Saturday, March 12, 2011

How To Pick A Masterlock Combination

Il desiderio di ricchezza del sottoproletariato romano

I look at them, these men, educated
to my other life: fruits
of a story so different, and found, almost
brothers here, the latter form
historic Rome. I look at them: in all
is like the air of a herdsman who sleep
armed with a knife in their vital juices
, is stretched a tenebrore intense
jaundice of the papal Belli,
not purple, but off peperino ,
bilious brick. The linen, down, dirty and
end, the eye, the irony
transpires that her wet, red, burning
indecent. The night exposes them
almost hermitages, in reserves
made of alleys, walls, windows and doorways
lost in silence.
is not the first of their passions
the desire for wealth:
sordid as their members do not wash,
hidden, and together they discovered
devoid of all sense of shame: shameless
as is the falcon flutters
Chiotti anticipating the bite , or the wolf, or the spider;
they crave money as gypsies,
mercenaries, whores: if you do not complain
n'hanno, use flattery to get
abject, they glory
Plautus if they have filled the pockets. If they work

work of racketeers butchers,
feral polishers, reversed committed
incarogniti tram drivers, physically walking,
laborers as good as dogs - who have also done
an air of thieves
too much mischief in those ancestral veins ...
I came from the wombs of their mothers to find themselves in
sidewalks or lawns
prehistoric and recorded in a register
that every story they want to ignore ...

Their desire for wealth is thus predatory, aristocratic.
similar to mine. Everyone thinks to himself, anxious to win the bet
to say: "There," with a sneer of re ...

Our hope is equally obsessed:
aesthetic, in me, in these anarchic.
the underclass and it refined

the same hierarchy of feelings, both outside of history, in a
world that has no other passages that
toward sex and the heart,
depth in other ways.
Where joy is joy, pain, pain.

(Pier Paolo Pasolini )

Dental Welcome Letter


... That makes me proud to be Italian.

After two games and lost some unfortunate 'naively against Ireland and Wales, after a drubbing in this era of Twickenham most favored by the British, finally a great, great, great satisfaction to SIX Nations 2011: The Victoria nientepopodimenoche , Cogini against the French in that the Flaminio.
First time we beat them in the tournament and the second after that of 14 years ago in Grenoble, win or did we open the 'doors of the then Five Nations.
What a pity not to be there this time 'but the enjoyment and' still great for people like me, even if by the profane, and ' always been passionate in this competition.

I'm glad that now "our" Andrea Lo Cicero, who returned to the national, this has taken satisfaction in view of the World New Zealand.
Although it is not 'more' than a few years ago by his presence "Hen" and its determination may be unchanged by the stimulus and support for young people in the group but also for the "old" as the Bergamasco brothers, despite the CT Mallett that still does not like it. The banner "God exists ', Lo Cicero also" stands in the curve from the first game of 2011 and is' a symbol of affection da cui e' circondato il nostro pilone che il Sud africano aveva mandato in pensione troppo frettolosamente.

Mirko Bergamasco dopo essere stato a volte penoso al limite dell'indecenza ai calci da 3 e alle trasformazioni ,sperperando nelle passate partite decine di punti,questa volta e' stato impeccabile ed ha fatto la differenza, quindi gli si perdona tutto perche' quella di oggi e' una vittoria impagabile...I N C O M M E N S U R A B I L E !!!!!!!!!

Liberati dall'incubo Cucchiaio ora andiamo a giocarci in scioltezza la trasferta in Scozia e chissa' che non ne esca un'altra bella soddisfazione....perche' va bene i complimenti e gli elogi,ma quando si vince c'ha tutto un'altro sapore.

VERGA ORA AZZURRI....scene da incubo come Ashton che fa il volo d'angelo tra i nostri pali a Twickenham diventano solo sbiaditi ricordi  dopo aver spennato I "Galletti " Francesi...e ora Bunga Bunga come recitava uno striscione del Flaminio.

Coleman Powermate Runs Too Fast

Nokia 12.03.2011

The weekly chart of Nokia is very explicit in highlighting areas of support resistance.
In fact speaks almost alone.
From May 2010 to January 2011, the price continued to move between 7 and 8.3 euro.
only really determined to break the first line of support has led to the opening of the taps.
The meter is now looking for areas with supportive sellers pressing.
Chart weekly (per gentile concessione di )