Basso Tirreno, March 4, 1861, Lieutenant Hercules Steam Navigation from Palermo to Naples.
Steam Vessel Hercules |
Only the pale glow of a lantern revealed the movements firm and safe hands busy with the preparation of the "Timer beans to be used to trigger the gun barrel of gunpowder in the vicinity 'of the boiler on board.
priming beans |
20 minutes later, as a spear moved away from the ship in a stormy sea with two figures in black oilcloth hood board, the engine room dell'Ercole was hit by a tremendous explosion which broke 'the ship, which is inabbissso' dragging with it 'the crew, passengers and all that was on board, including the vice superintendent of Finance Garibaldi Ippolito Nievo traveling to Naples to meet with the superintendent Giovanni Acerbi.
described above and for many this' considered the first massacre of Italian State, of course, was never shown to the attack, as I have fictionalized but i doubt many are given the reckless management of funds and 5 million British Ducati removed from Banco di Sicilia (the current 200 million euros) at the time of the takeover of Garibaldi in Palermo, which , it seems, is a part was used to bribe as many as 16 General Bourbon to induce them to surrender without a shot being fired.
Vice Ippolito Nievo attendant, who at the Palermo perform its functions, in its literature, he knew who had taken advantage of the situation and who is not, those who had used some of the money for legitimate objectives or only those who for personal enrichment and after the continuous attacks of the liberal right detractors Piedmont acts to discredit the figure of Garibaldi decided to take the evidence of what 'to Turin to clarify who should pay and who was worthy of all honors.
Garibaldi |
Il povero Ippolito stava per scoprire un bel calderone ai livelli dell'odierna tangentopoli e i tanti nemici che si era fatto avevano solo quell'occasione per far sparire tutti gli incartamenti ed eliminare lo zelante guastafeste e la usarono... o fu solo una triste coincidenza???.
Nessuno lo sapra' mai per certo visto che tutto e' finito in pasto ai pesci con l'affondamento dell'Ercole ma certamente i dubbi rimangono e anche forti.
Il commento che mi viene da fare e' che "se il buongiorno si vede dal mattino" la nostra bell'Italia e' nata da subito sotto cattivi auspici e i fatti piu' recenti dimostrano che la nostra tendenza atavica alla corruzione e al saccheggio sistematico della cosa pubblica viene da parecchio prima dell'avvento delle famigerate prima e seconda repubblica.
Quando studiamo la storia ,poi,la nostra scuola ,parlando della Spedizione dei Mille, enfatizza episodi come lo sbarco ,la battaglia di Calatafimi ,l'incontro di Teano con la celebre frase "Obbedisco" ma sorvola o tratta superficialmente episodi meno edificanti come le fucilazioni di massa dei contadini del Bronte da parte dei garibaldini sotto il comando di Nino Bixio o la scomparsa dell'Ercole e i fatti riconducibili a esso.
Battaglia Calatafimi |
obey! |
Nino Bixio |
Unita 'd'Italy we should all be proud to celebrate this event, but I see it, starting with me, a separation between the people and who should represent us.
The way I see it is 'an entity' desired by a minority elite and never really felt by the people, what works and pulls out the Shack with suffering, then as now.
More 'than anything else a war of conquest by the Savoy to increase their prestige within Europe and the world, using a mo' of the Kingdom of Cologne Two Sicilies for reflection created the embryo of the Mafia as a form of self-defense immune to the virus of Italy, through the robbery, that the beginning was nothing but a form of resistance then transformed into mere banditry.
Briganti stragglers and Bourbon ESRC |
not surprise me at all that at the beginning of a celebration so 'there are important political fringes who do not consider it appropriate ; the establishment of a sort of national holiday or there is a lot of people who do not know 'the national anthem.
E 'useless see a mitered Benigni in Sanremo to try to stir up feelings of admiration for our ancestors and our Risorgimento.
Italy before 1861 and 'United States only under the ancient Romans and even then it was considered that only Italy in the Rubicon, not the actual Padania.
When the Roman Empire was not the people who made up the lost time not to divide again ... what enters the rough, hairy Gauls of the Po Valley with the delicate Sicilian Greeks? and today??
What we have in common with the Milanese Toscani o con i Napoletani? poco o niente ...solo un po' la lingua Italiana ,che ci e' stata insegnata ,e neanche tanto bene in 150 anni e la religione Cattolica.
La nuda e cruda verita' e' che la vera identita' Italiana dovrebbe essere un minimo di dieci diversi statarelli,amici ma non fratelli.
Forse sarebbe meglio cosi'...ed e' ancora poco |
Questa forzatura si vede ogni giorno nel comportamento di ognuno di noi ,che sia ricco,che sia povero ,che sia politico o imprenditore....giochiamo sempre da solisti ,individualmente fregandocene and even taking advantage of common resources for our own benefit, just 'cause in our hearts we never had and never will have a sense of home, sense of belonging to something great.
I see a bit 'of hypocrisy when we fill our mouths with the word ITALY then when the facts show that we do not love it, and' sad but unfortunately 'the unvarnished truth'.
We become patriots when we win the World Cup and when Ferrari wins ... we care for the rest ... NO 'SAW BEAUTIFUL ... to put it vulgarly.
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