Il desiderio di ricchezza del sottoproletariato romano
I look at them, these men, educated
to my other life: fruits
of a story so different, and found, almost
brothers here, the latter form
historic Rome. I look at them: in all
is like the air of a herdsman who sleep
armed with a knife in their vital juices
, is stretched a tenebrore intense
jaundice of the papal Belli,
not purple, but off peperino ,
bilious brick. The linen, down, dirty and
end, the eye, the irony
transpires that her wet, red, burning
indecent. The night exposes them
almost hermitages, in reserves
made of alleys, walls, windows and doorways
lost in silence.
is not the first of their passions
the desire for wealth:
sordid as their members do not wash,
hidden, and together they discovered
devoid of all sense of shame: shameless
as is the falcon flutters
Chiotti anticipating the bite , or the wolf, or the spider;
they crave money as gypsies,
mercenaries, whores: if you do not complain
n'hanno, use flattery to get
abject, they glory
Plautus if they have filled the pockets. If they work
work of racketeers butchers,
feral polishers, reversed committed
incarogniti tram drivers, physically walking,
laborers as good as dogs - who have also done
an air of thieves
too much mischief in those ancestral veins ...
I came from the wombs of their mothers to find themselves in
sidewalks or lawns
prehistoric and recorded in a register
that every story they want to ignore ...
Their desire for wealth is thus predatory, aristocratic.
similar to mine. Everyone thinks to himself, anxious to win the bet
to say: "There," with a sneer of re ...
Our hope is equally obsessed:
aesthetic, in me, in these anarchic.
the underclass and it refined
the same hierarchy of feelings, both outside of history, in a
world that has no other passages that
toward sex and the heart,
depth in other ways.
Where joy is joy, pain, pain.
(Pier Paolo Pasolini )
Saturday, March 12, 2011
Dental Welcome Letter
... That makes me proud to be Italian.
After two games and lost some unfortunate 'naively against Ireland and Wales, after a drubbing in this era of Twickenham most favored by the British, finally a great, great, great satisfaction to SIX Nations 2011: The Victoria nientepopodimenoche , Cogini against the French in that the Flaminio.
First time we beat them in the tournament and the second after that of 14 years ago in Grenoble, win or did we open the 'doors of the then Five Nations.
What a pity not to be there this time 'but the enjoyment and' still great for people like me, even if by the profane, and ' always been passionate in this competition.
I'm glad that now "our" Andrea Lo Cicero, who returned to the national, this has taken satisfaction in view of the World New Zealand.
Although it is not 'more' than a few years ago by his presence "Hen" and its determination may be unchanged by the stimulus and support for young people in the group but also for the "old" as the Bergamasco brothers, despite the CT Mallett that still does not like it. The banner "God exists ', Lo Cicero also" stands in the curve from the first game of 2011 and is' a symbol of affection da cui e' circondato il nostro pilone che il Sud africano aveva mandato in pensione troppo frettolosamente.
Mirko Bergamasco dopo essere stato a volte penoso al limite dell'indecenza ai calci da 3 e alle trasformazioni ,sperperando nelle passate partite decine di punti,questa volta e' stato impeccabile ed ha fatto la differenza, quindi gli si perdona tutto perche' quella di oggi e' una vittoria impagabile...I N C O M M E N S U R A B I L E !!!!!!!!!
Liberati dall'incubo Cucchiaio ora andiamo a giocarci in scioltezza la trasferta in Scozia e chissa' che non ne esca un'altra bella soddisfazione....perche' va bene i complimenti e gli elogi,ma quando si vince c'ha tutto un'altro sapore.
VERGA ORA AZZURRI....scene da incubo come Ashton che fa il volo d'angelo tra i nostri pali a Twickenham diventano solo sbiaditi ricordi dopo aver spennato I "Galletti " Francesi...e ora Bunga Bunga come recitava uno striscione del Flaminio.
... That makes me proud to be Italian.
After two games and lost some unfortunate 'naively against Ireland and Wales, after a drubbing in this era of Twickenham most favored by the British, finally a great, great, great satisfaction to SIX Nations 2011: The Victoria nientepopodimenoche , Cogini against the French in that the Flaminio.
First time we beat them in the tournament and the second after that of 14 years ago in Grenoble, win or did we open the 'doors of the then Five Nations.
What a pity not to be there this time 'but the enjoyment and' still great for people like me, even if by the profane, and ' always been passionate in this competition.
I'm glad that now "our" Andrea Lo Cicero, who returned to the national, this has taken satisfaction in view of the World New Zealand.
Although it is not 'more' than a few years ago by his presence "Hen" and its determination may be unchanged by the stimulus and support for young people in the group but also for the "old" as the Bergamasco brothers, despite the CT Mallett that still does not like it. The banner "God exists ', Lo Cicero also" stands in the curve from the first game of 2011 and is' a symbol of affection da cui e' circondato il nostro pilone che il Sud africano aveva mandato in pensione troppo frettolosamente.
Mirko Bergamasco dopo essere stato a volte penoso al limite dell'indecenza ai calci da 3 e alle trasformazioni ,sperperando nelle passate partite decine di punti,questa volta e' stato impeccabile ed ha fatto la differenza, quindi gli si perdona tutto perche' quella di oggi e' una vittoria impagabile...I N C O M M E N S U R A B I L E !!!!!!!!!
Liberati dall'incubo Cucchiaio ora andiamo a giocarci in scioltezza la trasferta in Scozia e chissa' che non ne esca un'altra bella soddisfazione....perche' va bene i complimenti e gli elogi,ma quando si vince c'ha tutto un'altro sapore.
VERGA ORA AZZURRI....scene da incubo come Ashton che fa il volo d'angelo tra i nostri pali a Twickenham diventano solo sbiaditi ricordi dopo aver spennato I "Galletti " Francesi...e ora Bunga Bunga come recitava uno striscione del Flaminio.
Coleman Powermate Runs Too Fast
Nokia 12.03.2011
The weekly chart of Nokia is very explicit in highlighting areas of support resistance.
In fact speaks almost alone.
From May 2010 to January 2011, the price continued to move between 7 and 8.3 euro.
only really determined to break the first line of support has led to the opening of the taps.
The meter is now looking for areas with supportive sellers pressing.
The weekly chart of Nokia is very explicit in highlighting areas of support resistance.
In fact speaks almost alone.
From May 2010 to January 2011, the price continued to move between 7 and 8.3 euro.
only really determined to break the first line of support has led to the opening of the taps.
The meter is now looking for areas with supportive sellers pressing.
Chart weekly (per gentile concessione di ) |
Sayings With The Word Swing
Lottomatica 12.03.2011
Era sceso davvero in basso il titolo durante il mese di dicembre e i compratori continuavano invano a battere contro la resistenza in area 9.5.
Nei primi giorni di quest'anno, vi è stato un altro affondo dei sellers . Questi tuttavia non sono riusciti a tirare giu' lo strumento grazie alla reazione dei compratori che hanno riportato il titolo verso l'area di maggior S/R 10.5.
Qui il title has lost momentum: nobody had the courage to test the 2.11 area.
Thus, new and bouncing down from 10 (less support, but strong psicolgica threshold) to a height of 12.4, above the title that ended this week.
Next target buyers is outlined on the chart: 13.6.
But beware! It should already be inside. Enter
hours a drawdown would be to risk too high at best.
The worst is that you riaffaccino vendors next week.
daily Chart (courtesy of ) |
How Long Does An Enema Take To Work
Molmed: balletto tra 0.4015 e 0.435
are areas of S / R maggiormante efficient and seriously involved in the market.
The title continues to oscillate between the aforementioned areas, delimiting, so a "loss area" where they fall in the small fish.
This routine allows a considerable gain in big boys, that in this area can do everything to suck money trader suddenly goes on the beginning of the year without interruption.
bearish on eminently holder in accordance with all the TF from daily in su.
Non guardo i TF inferiori, dove proprio l'andamento rialzista inguaia il piccolo pesce.
Pericolosissimo sotto 0.4.
Chart daily (per gentile concessione di ) |
Friday, March 11, 2011
Usa Egale Metal Cores
Dopo avervi resi partecipi dell'evento culturale del decennio con le prime quattro perle del repertorio poetico dell'illuminato Sandrino,oggi continueremo con altre quattro testimonianze dell'estro in rima del nostro poliedrico Ministro.
Per le nozze di Elio Vito
Fra le tue braccia magico silenzio
Fra le tue braccia intenerito ardore
Fra le tue braccia campo di girasoli
Fra le tue braccia sole dell’allegria
A Giuliano Ferrara
Antro love
Diamond Light
Words subsoil
A Walter Veltroni
tender father
mother of my dreams
Soul ulcerated.
Son Found
Gabriella (his wife)
Sweet Father
Love single
Corazza spirit
lava rocks
Soul fugitive
It occurs to me that in the entourage of Silvio face a race to escape the sympathies of the good Sandrino to avoid becoming a star of his poetic delirium.
Il Divin Sandro |
Dopo avervi resi partecipi dell'evento culturale del decennio con le prime quattro perle del repertorio poetico dell'illuminato Sandrino,oggi continueremo con altre quattro testimonianze dell'estro in rima del nostro poliedrico Ministro.
Per le nozze di Elio Vito
Fra le tue braccia magico silenzio
Fra le tue braccia intenerito ardore
Fra le tue braccia campo di girasoli
Fra le tue braccia sole dell’allegria
A Giuliano Ferrara
Antro love
Diamond Light
Words subsoil
A Walter Veltroni
tender father
mother of my dreams
Soul ulcerated.
Son Found
Gabriella (his wife)
Sweet Father
Love single
Corazza spirit
lava rocks
Soul fugitive
It occurs to me that in the entourage of Silvio face a race to escape the sympathies of the good Sandrino to avoid becoming a star of his poetic delirium.
Should Your Period Be A Liquid
CTIC weekly 11.03.2011: si rende necessario trovare nuovo supporto
La settimana scorsa avevo posto l'accento sul pericolo di entrare contro trend.
Mediate in perdita alla grande anche questa settimana. La direzione, tuttavia, era short come ho sempre evidenziato and certainly not the upside.
The weekly chart we can see the areas of S / R.
E 'need to find the title of the basic principles in this matter, otherwise the direction is inevitable area 0093.
weekly Chart (courtesy of ) |
Sorority Community Service Ideas
FtseMib weekly 11.03.2011
What was said yesterday on the daily is also confirmed on the weekly.
The bond act is not allowed to bear the price hike for a close above 22,500.
Indeed, the weekly close is davvero brutto perchè si colloca al di sotto sia del supporto statico che di quello dinamico.
L'unica nota non molto negativa è che i venditori fanno una certa fatica.
Cio' che, pero', non deve far dimenticate l'immediato, ancorchè finora attenuato) downtrend.
Chart weekly (per gentile concessione di ) |
Ap Biology Cell Respiration Lab Answers
Intervista con MoozE
Here is a translation of the interview made to the site from early March with the Mooze composer, author of some fantastic audio tracks used for Shadow of Chernobyl :
The computer game STALKER has been called the Project more "atmospheric" of 2007, from magazines to video games. In addition to the design, architecture and sound design in spirit with the mood of the Zone, the high-quality music is made by the famous composer Vladimir "MoozE" Frey. We suggest you read the interview conducted with Vladimir, where he will speak of music, creativity, participation in STALKER future plans and much more. Give some advice to new musicians.
GSC-Fan.Com : Hello Vladimir! We start with the traditional demand. How and when did you decide to dedicate your life to music?
MoozE : When I was 13 years, by accident I discovered that, with the help of Fast Tracker II, could also record their own samples. From there it all began.
GSC-Fan.Com : You might know that you would become a famous and popular composer for video games?
MoozE : No, but I wanted to see, like all beginners.
GSC-Fan.Com: Once, looking for potential customers, didst send you your music developers. And now, as are the contacts? To them by you, or you are the first to take the initiative?
MoozE : It happens in both ways.
GSC-Fan.Com : You write songs of various genres, from breakbeat industrial to dark ambient. What kind of music do you prefer? Which is more interesting to work?
MoozE : The range of genres / styles I work with, and that interest me as a listener, thank God, is not limited by ' "industrial to dark ambient breakbeat" ... This is a misconception caused by a simple lack of information about my work and my tastes. I do not understand the composers / groups finding "their way" , strum for decades, and already after 1-2 albums start to copy themselves into a deep slumber creative, as well as the listeners do not understand that simply with 2-3 styles and do not try any way to discover something new.
GSC-Fan.Com : Vladimir, what can you advise to those who want to be composers?
MoozE : The first 5-6 years of creations do not collect the comments of the experts, they serve only to listen to yourself. This is primarily due to the fact that finding a suitable professional who can objectively evaluate your work and give good advice, unfortunately, it is extremely difficult. Although the novizio compositore ha molto talento, è molto difficile vederlo a causa di usuali difetti tecnici che sono presenti nel lavoro di ogni principiante, e non lo accettano per mancanza di talento, anche in audizione professionale. E, in terzo luogo, considerando la "delicata questione" con cui abbiamo a che fare, si può supporre che la maggior dei parte nuovi compositori si prenderà tutte le critiche. E questi 5-7 anni contribuiranno a generare la propria opinione e prospettiva sull'arte e, quindi, a sviluppare la capacità di scegliere cosa o chi ascoltare, e con cosa essere in disaccordo.
– Oggi cè la necessità di trovare il "proprio stile" e il "proprio sound" . Can you magine an actor who has finally found "role" and is ready to dedicate his life to this, and "polish" until it shine? It would be absurd, and we all know that every player is happy for each new role, which is different from his previous work. So why now, when technology offers us an extraordinary opportunity to work with sound and music (and that seem to multiply every year), when the Internet with a few clicks you can find all necessary information on the theory of music and sound, and in general everything about the music, composers, rather than ignore these infinite possibilities, finding "their style" and are ready to stagnate for years and decades? I think it is very stupid and uninteresting. To put it mildly.
- Find your way (not to be confused with the style of which I spoke previously), the most comfortable and convenient for you. You can choose a classical training, it can be self-taught or both of these two options, and learn only what interests you from time to time with the help of the teacher-tutor.
- Develop a taste. Listen, Read, learn as much as possible about the variety of work, art, and a variety of genres and styles of listening. Learn all you're interested, although not strictly related to music. It 'amazing the amount of information that a composer can be found, for example, on a book on the films, articles about design or philosophical works of others. Everything goes through yourself, as your taste. And the taste, in turn, is almost the major force in the work from which we get the art.
- When you are ready to spend a certain amount of money saved for equipment, think carefully if you need it, or whether it is better to pay tribute to the developers of software piracy, which uses any aspiring musician. Believe me, a computer / laptop more powerful software and a good monitor, you can move mountains. A license purchase is a powerful incentivo per imparare ulteriori informazioni su tutte le caratteristiche di questo software.
Tutto quanto sopra, naturalmente, vale per una situazione ideale, quando si può spendere per la musica tutto il tempo che ti serve e scrivere solo quello che vuoi. Nel lavoro con le colonne sonore, o se si desidera la produzione di musica, si deve essere pronti a dare almeno una traccia. Basta ricordare che il lavoro venuto male a volte porta un'esperienza utile.
GSC-Fan.Com : Una volta GSC, valutando il tuo lavoro con le colonne sonore per FireStarter , ti ha invitato a diventare il compositore per il progetto di S.T.A.L.K.E.R. Quali sono stati i tuoi primi pensieri? Hai accettato immediatamente di partecipare?
MoozE : It 's all wrong. In 2003, I contacted GSC with the request to test the role of the composer's Stalker, and finally, when I received a reply from them, I wrote a test track, after which they agreed to work with me. But as I wrote the first three tracks (Amb # 1-3), it became clear that I still had a lot of free time, being in waiting for a response from the developers. So I set to work more with the music for FireStarter. Eventually, after the first 3 songs written for Stalker, I waited 6 months to do the soundtrack, in the meantime I had written 11 songs for Firestarter, and then, in 2004, I returned to Stalker.
GSC-Fan.Com : FireStarter is a very dynamic and furious shooter. The music and rhythm must match the style and atmosphere of the project. What helped you to work on the soundtrack?
MoozE : Various materials of the game, screenshots, videos, etc. ...
GSC-Fan.Com : When you were creating a musical accompaniment to Stalker had the opinion that the music had to make a unique atmosphere for the game. What strategies for the soundtrack have been more helpful? What were your impressions of GSC after hearing the initial results of your work? In general, how hard was it to work?
MoozE : The work was difficult, as always happens when you work with a style, but damn interesting. I've seen a number of different radio noise and the sound pure and simple tape, on film, then I scanned the material with a different treatment (not only) for use in music. I wanted to do the soundtrack very dirty and vintage to create the impression that most of the sounds that compose it have been recorded in the '80s, and digitized with the methods of those times. Although not all developers with whom I was in contact in the GSC agreed with my idea. And I also had a bit of "wars" for some of the songs that I put in the game. For example, the Track " Mutation" Did not want to put it in the game. I remember the first impression of the developers when they hear the music in the game. Anton Bolshakov I wrote that "the atmosphere of the game had improved by 400%" ).
GSC-Fan.Com : STALKER After you've decided not to pursue further for the soundtrack of this series. Why? Want to work in another Setor music?
MoozE : I wrote two songs for Clear Sky who liked to developers, but later, when they hear in the game, there were some comments and disagreements about the music, and in the end, have been rewritten. But the rewriting of these songs I would have taken much più tempo di quanto avessi previsto originariamente, e non ne avevo a sufficienza. Ho dovuto lasciare il progetto, portando con me le due canzoni.
GSC-Fan.Com : Se GSC ti richiamasse per fare le musiche del suo nuovo progetto, o per esempio, per il film di Stalker, tu rifiuteresti?
MoozE : No.
GSC-Fan.Com : Che sfide hai dovuto superare per la creazione di musica per i giochi di strategia (per esempio Warfare)? Quali sono le differenze musicali tra le soundtrack degli strategici e degli sparatutto?
MoozE : Non ci sono differenze tra strategici e sparatutto. Le difficoltà possono essere causate da altri fattori, come i settaggi per le campaigns, technical limitations of the graphics engine or the concept of gameplay ... But I do not have these problems, thank God
GSC-Fan.Com : Please tell us your plans for the coming years.
MoozE : The usual plans for world domination. :)
GSC-Fan.Com : What do you think is the more significant outcome of your life? What are the goals you're pursuing now?
MoozE : The biggest achievement is probably that I "found myself " . The goals "under construction" are personal.
GSC-Fan.Com : Have you ever thought of abandoning the music and do something else?
MoozE : I thought about doing something else without leave from the music. :) I think the basis of all creative processes, music, painting, literature, etc. ... is only one universal creative energy, with which the composers, artists, writers, work. Everyone does it differently because of the technical processes specific to each specific form of art. So for example, a good director / writer / composer can become a good artist or anything, if you understand the nature of creative energy, and has enough time and patience to learn at least the minimum specifications of a new art form. And then ... increasing the theoretical and practical knowledge, by experience, may, if you want, go from the simple "good enough" , a "very good" , etc. ...
GSC-Fan.Com : find free time for entertainment on the computer, books and movies? Can you tell us what your movie, book, or favorite game? By the way, as you usually leisure?
MoozE : Relax, I do not really know how, because until now has not yet received any kind of creativity, the transition to what would be the best rest. The time for a book, movie or game is fairly easy to find, even on weekdays, because after 3-4 hours of continuous work is needed to take a break, at least for an hour. My favorite games: all the Fallout series, Planescape: Torment, both Diablo, Thief III, MAX, the Gothic series of games, The Elder Scrolls, Mass Effect, Master of Orion 2, Carmagedon 1-2, Blood, Xenus, AIM 2, Arcanum, all compendium of games from id Software, Salammbo, Disciples 2, Strife, Jagged Alliance 2, Arx Fatalis, Titan Quest, Deus Ex 2, Anachronox, etc ... Film: Blade Runner, Baraka, Leon, Apocalypse Now, Alien, The Lady from Shanghai, The Children's Hour, Odyssey 2001, Grand Hotel, Gladiator, Kingdom of Heaven, The Lord of the Rings, The sweet life, Taxi Driver, The Rules The Cider House, Angel Heart, Vertigo, All About Eve, The Bad and the Beautiful ... Books: almost all of Philip K. Dick, "possession" Baillette AS, "The Idiot" by Dostoevsky, "Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas" Thompson's (and film), "We" of Zamyatin, "Ask the Dust" by John Fante, "L 'immortal' and "Prince of Light" of Zelazny, "Lolita" by Nabokov, " Rendezvous with Rama" and "The City and the Stars Clark ...
GSC-Fan.Com : How do you consider the STALKER series? From your point of view have been successful?
MoozE : STALKER: Shadow Of Chernobyl I really enjoyed it. Not I have not tried the expansions.
GSC-Fan.Com : The terrible catastrophe of Chernobyl, which took about 25 years ago, was spiced with stories and legends. Of course, a large proportion of them seem very convincing, but people are still afraid of these places. Tell me, I'd go with an excursion into the Exclusion Zone?
MoozE : If this is connected with the work, why not. But if it were only for myself, I doubt it. Perhaps surprise fans of the music of Stalker, but a spirit in music "dark" on the soundtrack of Stalker, which may appear as a result, following the inspiration derived from the visit to Chernobyl, I am ready to write only in the context of a final "positive" of the game (because despite all the darkness of the atmosphere, Stalker, Fallout or give a strong positive experience for the player).
I do not understand the composers (as well as all the other creative people: writers, artists, directors, etc ...) that have exceeded 20 years and who continue to admire all sorts of "denial" as every 12 -15years, and then devote their entire lives to this kind of creation. This is perhaps even more stupid than " find their own style" .
GSC-Fan.Com : How did you get involved in creating the soundtrack to Gearbox Software's Borderlands? What is your role in the project? Have you ever directly, so to speak, worked with Jesper Kid (the composer of the Hitman series of games)?
MoozE : In April 2007, when I released my promo, I decided to write a letter to Jesper Kid, only to ask for an opinion on the music and thank him for inspiration, since his work has always inspired me , especially the soundtracks from Hitman series, and Messiah. I really did not expect an answer, but to my surprise, shortly after I wrote a letter in which he answered all my questions and eventually asked me to work together, because he liked my music. For I have not worked and Borderlands worked directly with Jesper Kid as session musician, but I programmed the bass. That is, I created some low ethnic and environmental sounds to Jesper, who then used his songs.
GSC-Fan.Com : Vladimir at the end of our conversation ... a few words for the fans of your art ...
MoozE : Thank you all for your support and hope you will forgive me if I have not yet responded to the letters of someone. I have not had much time to write, and I have a poor memory, etc. ... but I apologize to everyone. So just ... sorry! :)
Vladimir, thanks for the interview! We hope you have success in everything that interests you and you enlarge an army already huge loyal fan!
The computer game STALKER has been called the Project more "atmospheric" of 2007, from magazines to video games. In addition to the design, architecture and sound design in spirit with the mood of the Zone, the high-quality music is made by the famous composer Vladimir "MoozE" Frey. We suggest you read the interview conducted with Vladimir, where he will speak of music, creativity, participation in STALKER future plans and much more. Give some advice to new musicians.
GSC-Fan.Com : Hello Vladimir! We start with the traditional demand. How and when did you decide to dedicate your life to music?
MoozE : When I was 13 years, by accident I discovered that, with the help of Fast Tracker II, could also record their own samples. From there it all began.
GSC-Fan.Com : You might know that you would become a famous and popular composer for video games?
MoozE : No, but I wanted to see, like all beginners.
MoozE : It happens in both ways.
GSC-Fan.Com : You write songs of various genres, from breakbeat industrial to dark ambient. What kind of music do you prefer? Which is more interesting to work?
MoozE : The range of genres / styles I work with, and that interest me as a listener, thank God, is not limited by ' "industrial to dark ambient breakbeat" ... This is a misconception caused by a simple lack of information about my work and my tastes. I do not understand the composers / groups finding "their way" , strum for decades, and already after 1-2 albums start to copy themselves into a deep slumber creative, as well as the listeners do not understand that simply with 2-3 styles and do not try any way to discover something new.
GSC-Fan.Com : Vladimir, what can you advise to those who want to be composers?
MoozE : The first 5-6 years of creations do not collect the comments of the experts, they serve only to listen to yourself. This is primarily due to the fact that finding a suitable professional who can objectively evaluate your work and give good advice, unfortunately, it is extremely difficult. Although the novizio compositore ha molto talento, è molto difficile vederlo a causa di usuali difetti tecnici che sono presenti nel lavoro di ogni principiante, e non lo accettano per mancanza di talento, anche in audizione professionale. E, in terzo luogo, considerando la "delicata questione" con cui abbiamo a che fare, si può supporre che la maggior dei parte nuovi compositori si prenderà tutte le critiche. E questi 5-7 anni contribuiranno a generare la propria opinione e prospettiva sull'arte e, quindi, a sviluppare la capacità di scegliere cosa o chi ascoltare, e con cosa essere in disaccordo.
– Oggi cè la necessità di trovare il "proprio stile" e il "proprio sound" . Can you magine an actor who has finally found "role" and is ready to dedicate his life to this, and "polish" until it shine? It would be absurd, and we all know that every player is happy for each new role, which is different from his previous work. So why now, when technology offers us an extraordinary opportunity to work with sound and music (and that seem to multiply every year), when the Internet with a few clicks you can find all necessary information on the theory of music and sound, and in general everything about the music, composers, rather than ignore these infinite possibilities, finding "their style" and are ready to stagnate for years and decades? I think it is very stupid and uninteresting. To put it mildly.
- Find your way (not to be confused with the style of which I spoke previously), the most comfortable and convenient for you. You can choose a classical training, it can be self-taught or both of these two options, and learn only what interests you from time to time with the help of the teacher-tutor.
- Develop a taste. Listen, Read, learn as much as possible about the variety of work, art, and a variety of genres and styles of listening. Learn all you're interested, although not strictly related to music. It 'amazing the amount of information that a composer can be found, for example, on a book on the films, articles about design or philosophical works of others. Everything goes through yourself, as your taste. And the taste, in turn, is almost the major force in the work from which we get the art.
- When you are ready to spend a certain amount of money saved for equipment, think carefully if you need it, or whether it is better to pay tribute to the developers of software piracy, which uses any aspiring musician. Believe me, a computer / laptop more powerful software and a good monitor, you can move mountains. A license purchase is a powerful incentivo per imparare ulteriori informazioni su tutte le caratteristiche di questo software.
Tutto quanto sopra, naturalmente, vale per una situazione ideale, quando si può spendere per la musica tutto il tempo che ti serve e scrivere solo quello che vuoi. Nel lavoro con le colonne sonore, o se si desidera la produzione di musica, si deve essere pronti a dare almeno una traccia. Basta ricordare che il lavoro venuto male a volte porta un'esperienza utile.
GSC-Fan.Com : Una volta GSC, valutando il tuo lavoro con le colonne sonore per FireStarter , ti ha invitato a diventare il compositore per il progetto di S.T.A.L.K.E.R. Quali sono stati i tuoi primi pensieri? Hai accettato immediatamente di partecipare?
MoozE : It 's all wrong. In 2003, I contacted GSC with the request to test the role of the composer's Stalker, and finally, when I received a reply from them, I wrote a test track, after which they agreed to work with me. But as I wrote the first three tracks (Amb # 1-3), it became clear that I still had a lot of free time, being in waiting for a response from the developers. So I set to work more with the music for FireStarter. Eventually, after the first 3 songs written for Stalker, I waited 6 months to do the soundtrack, in the meantime I had written 11 songs for Firestarter, and then, in 2004, I returned to Stalker.
GSC-Fan.Com : FireStarter is a very dynamic and furious shooter. The music and rhythm must match the style and atmosphere of the project. What helped you to work on the soundtrack?
MoozE : Various materials of the game, screenshots, videos, etc. ...
GSC-Fan.Com : When you were creating a musical accompaniment to Stalker had the opinion that the music had to make a unique atmosphere for the game. What strategies for the soundtrack have been more helpful? What were your impressions of GSC after hearing the initial results of your work? In general, how hard was it to work?
MoozE : The work was difficult, as always happens when you work with a style, but damn interesting. I've seen a number of different radio noise and the sound pure and simple tape, on film, then I scanned the material with a different treatment (not only) for use in music. I wanted to do the soundtrack very dirty and vintage to create the impression that most of the sounds that compose it have been recorded in the '80s, and digitized with the methods of those times. Although not all developers with whom I was in contact in the GSC agreed with my idea. And I also had a bit of "wars" for some of the songs that I put in the game. For example, the Track " Mutation" Did not want to put it in the game. I remember the first impression of the developers when they hear the music in the game. Anton Bolshakov I wrote that "the atmosphere of the game had improved by 400%" ).
GSC-Fan.Com : STALKER After you've decided not to pursue further for the soundtrack of this series. Why? Want to work in another Setor music?
MoozE : I wrote two songs for Clear Sky who liked to developers, but later, when they hear in the game, there were some comments and disagreements about the music, and in the end, have been rewritten. But the rewriting of these songs I would have taken much più tempo di quanto avessi previsto originariamente, e non ne avevo a sufficienza. Ho dovuto lasciare il progetto, portando con me le due canzoni.
GSC-Fan.Com : Se GSC ti richiamasse per fare le musiche del suo nuovo progetto, o per esempio, per il film di Stalker, tu rifiuteresti?
MoozE : No.
GSC-Fan.Com : Che sfide hai dovuto superare per la creazione di musica per i giochi di strategia (per esempio Warfare)? Quali sono le differenze musicali tra le soundtrack degli strategici e degli sparatutto?
MoozE : Non ci sono differenze tra strategici e sparatutto. Le difficoltà possono essere causate da altri fattori, come i settaggi per le campaigns, technical limitations of the graphics engine or the concept of gameplay ... But I do not have these problems, thank God
GSC-Fan.Com : Please tell us your plans for the coming years.
MoozE : The usual plans for world domination. :)
GSC-Fan.Com : What do you think is the more significant outcome of your life? What are the goals you're pursuing now?
MoozE : The biggest achievement is probably that I "found myself " . The goals "under construction" are personal.
GSC-Fan.Com : Have you ever thought of abandoning the music and do something else?
MoozE : I thought about doing something else without leave from the music. :) I think the basis of all creative processes, music, painting, literature, etc. ... is only one universal creative energy, with which the composers, artists, writers, work. Everyone does it differently because of the technical processes specific to each specific form of art. So for example, a good director / writer / composer can become a good artist or anything, if you understand the nature of creative energy, and has enough time and patience to learn at least the minimum specifications of a new art form. And then ... increasing the theoretical and practical knowledge, by experience, may, if you want, go from the simple "good enough" , a "very good" , etc. ...
GSC-Fan.Com : find free time for entertainment on the computer, books and movies? Can you tell us what your movie, book, or favorite game? By the way, as you usually leisure?
MoozE : Relax, I do not really know how, because until now has not yet received any kind of creativity, the transition to what would be the best rest. The time for a book, movie or game is fairly easy to find, even on weekdays, because after 3-4 hours of continuous work is needed to take a break, at least for an hour. My favorite games: all the Fallout series, Planescape: Torment, both Diablo, Thief III, MAX, the Gothic series of games, The Elder Scrolls, Mass Effect, Master of Orion 2, Carmagedon 1-2, Blood, Xenus, AIM 2, Arcanum, all compendium of games from id Software, Salammbo, Disciples 2, Strife, Jagged Alliance 2, Arx Fatalis, Titan Quest, Deus Ex 2, Anachronox, etc ... Film: Blade Runner, Baraka, Leon, Apocalypse Now, Alien, The Lady from Shanghai, The Children's Hour, Odyssey 2001, Grand Hotel, Gladiator, Kingdom of Heaven, The Lord of the Rings, The sweet life, Taxi Driver, The Rules The Cider House, Angel Heart, Vertigo, All About Eve, The Bad and the Beautiful ... Books: almost all of Philip K. Dick, "possession" Baillette AS, "The Idiot" by Dostoevsky, "Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas" Thompson's (and film), "We" of Zamyatin, "Ask the Dust" by John Fante, "L 'immortal' and "Prince of Light" of Zelazny, "Lolita" by Nabokov, " Rendezvous with Rama" and "The City and the Stars Clark ...
GSC-Fan.Com : How do you consider the STALKER series? From your point of view have been successful?
MoozE : STALKER: Shadow Of Chernobyl I really enjoyed it. Not I have not tried the expansions.
GSC-Fan.Com : The terrible catastrophe of Chernobyl, which took about 25 years ago, was spiced with stories and legends. Of course, a large proportion of them seem very convincing, but people are still afraid of these places. Tell me, I'd go with an excursion into the Exclusion Zone?
MoozE : If this is connected with the work, why not. But if it were only for myself, I doubt it. Perhaps surprise fans of the music of Stalker, but a spirit in music "dark" on the soundtrack of Stalker, which may appear as a result, following the inspiration derived from the visit to Chernobyl, I am ready to write only in the context of a final "positive" of the game (because despite all the darkness of the atmosphere, Stalker, Fallout or give a strong positive experience for the player).
I do not understand the composers (as well as all the other creative people: writers, artists, directors, etc ...) that have exceeded 20 years and who continue to admire all sorts of "denial" as every 12 -15years, and then devote their entire lives to this kind of creation. This is perhaps even more stupid than " find their own style" .
GSC-Fan.Com : How did you get involved in creating the soundtrack to Gearbox Software's Borderlands? What is your role in the project? Have you ever directly, so to speak, worked with Jesper Kid (the composer of the Hitman series of games)?
MoozE : In April 2007, when I released my promo, I decided to write a letter to Jesper Kid, only to ask for an opinion on the music and thank him for inspiration, since his work has always inspired me , especially the soundtracks from Hitman series, and Messiah. I really did not expect an answer, but to my surprise, shortly after I wrote a letter in which he answered all my questions and eventually asked me to work together, because he liked my music. For I have not worked and Borderlands worked directly with Jesper Kid as session musician, but I programmed the bass. That is, I created some low ethnic and environmental sounds to Jesper, who then used his songs.
GSC-Fan.Com : Vladimir at the end of our conversation ... a few words for the fans of your art ...
MoozE : Thank you all for your support and hope you will forgive me if I have not yet responded to the letters of someone. I have not had much time to write, and I have a poor memory, etc. ... but I apologize to everyone. So just ... sorry! :)
Vladimir, thanks for the interview! We hope you have success in everything that interests you and you enlarge an army already huge loyal fan!
Source: , March 3, 2011;
Translation: The Randy Stalker (TGM Italian Stalkers Zone )
Thursday, March 10, 2011
What Do The Different Colored Gel Bracelets Mean
.... or as' big ass-licker I've ever pulled down over Italy? The
leccaculaggio it is clear from the subservient worship for years, by way 'of human doormat at the foot of his muse, his mentor, the now famous Silvio from Arcore.
So the more ', have mistakenly thought that his appointment as Minister of Culture, Italian, and had more' than its competence to its language Varano groping in all orifices, anointed by the Lord, but it is not 'so' and I'll prove it '.
In my wanderings on the net I came across in his poems published Vanity Fair that show the incomparable poetic talent, which shows the reason for which 'was invested with a charge so' important ... the evil could not possibly dispense with Nano.
To give substance to my point of view of the bald retriever, then, I created a column on my blog as the "Bondi's Corner" which will publish in the coming days, 'a little' time to the profound poems so much talent.
Of course I will follow 'the chronological order in which I found not jump, though sorely tempted, to the most' hot dedicated to the greatest killers of Silvio and anointed himself.
And now ladies and gentlemen, fasten your seatbelts, 'cause we're going to start.
a mysterious order of the House
Distressed splendor
Mite Queen
Mysterious spell
A Michela Vittoria Brambilla
(aka Cruella Salmon)
Unaware beauty
Stolen sensuality
Flower reclined
bad love
Stefania Prestigiacomo
Luna indifferente
Materna sensualità
Velo trasparente
Severo abbandono
Ad Anna Finocchiaro
Black sublime
Slow abandonment
Violent red
fleeting irony
White pearl
Intrepid mystery
For now I would say do it ... I had to sganasciavvi jaws for fun or for the wonder of a so 'high culture ... I will continue in the short' the publication of some other creations.
The Divine sandro |
.... or as' big ass-licker I've ever pulled down over Italy? The
leccaculaggio it is clear from the subservient worship for years, by way 'of human doormat at the foot of his muse, his mentor, the now famous Silvio from Arcore.
So the more ', have mistakenly thought that his appointment as Minister of Culture, Italian, and had more' than its competence to its language Varano groping in all orifices, anointed by the Lord, but it is not 'so' and I'll prove it '.
In my wanderings on the net I came across in his poems published Vanity Fair that show the incomparable poetic talent, which shows the reason for which 'was invested with a charge so' important ... the evil could not possibly dispense with Nano.
To give substance to my point of view of the bald retriever, then, I created a column on my blog as the "Bondi's Corner" which will publish in the coming days, 'a little' time to the profound poems so much talent.
Of course I will follow 'the chronological order in which I found not jump, though sorely tempted, to the most' hot dedicated to the greatest killers of Silvio and anointed himself.
And now ladies and gentlemen, fasten your seatbelts, 'cause we're going to start.
a mysterious order of the House
Distressed splendor
Mite Queen
Mysterious spell
A Michela Vittoria Brambilla
(aka Cruella Salmon)
Unaware beauty
Stolen sensuality
Flower reclined
bad love
Stefania Prestigiacomo
Luna indifferente
Materna sensualità
Velo trasparente
Severo abbandono
Ad Anna Finocchiaro
Black sublime
Slow abandonment
Violent red
fleeting irony
White pearl
Intrepid mystery
For now I would say do it ... I had to sganasciavvi jaws for fun or for the wonder of a so 'high culture ... I will continue in the short' the publication of some other creations.
Biochem Major Or Bioengineering
FtseMib 10.03.2011
Vincolo ribassista confermato sul daily, con reiezione dalla trendline rialzista.
Attendiamo weekly closing, but at this point the derivative would literally explode upward to exit out from the immediate downtrend in facing ..
The candle today (red) is located within short range of the enterprise, in which the price wanders without a definite direction and that, therefore, does not allow for clear signals indiduazione short.
daily Chart (courtesy of ) |
Wednesday, March 9, 2011
Powder Makeup And Lung Problems
FtseMib 09.03.2011: rimbalzo da resistenza 22500
Close in green today. More
'decision by the buyer, but lacks the strength to keep share 22,500, has become increasingly necessary to throw in the legislation.
Close, therefore, still weak and does not annul the downward constraint imposed on the instrument.
typical range of situations, as seen from the chart.
Close in green today. More
'decision by the buyer, but lacks the strength to keep share 22,500, has become increasingly necessary to throw in the legislation.
Close, therefore, still weak and does not annul the downward constraint imposed on the instrument.
typical range of situations, as seen from the chart.
daily Chart (courtesy of ) |
Tuesday, March 8, 2011
How Do U Say Congratulations To A Friend
the Turtledove Giglio (EX OF THE STARS)
Although not mathematically, the armor Giannoniana now starts for the title, while behind him the "Derby della Taranta" between the Owl and the 'Hoopoe' and ro 'solved in a scintillating draw.
Dopo essersi lanciati anatemi per tutta la settimana hanno partorito un nulla di fatto in termini di scossoni in classifica,mentre il Profeta Jontino ,rispolverando antichi fasti , riaggancia Cispo e culla ancora qualche flebile speranza di titolo.
Per il trio Betto/Tronketto/Boccino non rimane che lottare per un posto salvezza soprattutto dopo le sconfitte subite in contemporanea. C'e' da dire che il signore dei Colombi ,colui che ha dichiarato "Ormai e' finito tutto", e' sempre piu' alla deriva suffering from signs of any type of disaster like the deadly attack by a flock of doves in that Giglio because ... 'and the pigeon' was so 'sciagattato from cousins? Questioning the Sibyl of Capel Rosso seems tragic that these signals indicate impending hemorrhage money for culinary reasons et winemaking.
Nasca, anonymous in his usual position, still does not give evidence and always hope for salvation while The Gray Wolf Padlock, Three days from the end, and 'the first pagacena mathematician.
CAT - Robertino 1-0
JONTINO - Snitch 2-0
Sirviö - TRONKETTO 1-0
Robertino - GIANNONE
Snitch - CAT
Maceroni'S CUP
completed the quarter-final round of the Queen of the cups and leaves us with only one solid certainty: This year's Nano
Evil Betto a good dog licks the beans and won a blessed. The Board
Trophies of our aggressive and appanzato low shot will remain 'untouched this year, populated only by hairy spiders and spider webs.
The semi-finalists are almost all high-ranking teams, except the lock loose cannon, who seeks to bring continues the tradition degli ultimi anni in cui chi vince il Tapiro conquista anche la Maceroni's...e vvai Lupo Grigio.
Although not mathematically, the armor Giannoniana now starts for the title, while behind him the "Derby della Taranta" between the Owl and the 'Hoopoe' and ro 'solved in a scintillating draw.
The Sorcerer Vodoo Cispocumba |
Il Fattucchiero Bernadoo |
Dopo essersi lanciati anatemi per tutta la settimana hanno partorito un nulla di fatto in termini di scossoni in classifica,mentre il Profeta Jontino ,rispolverando antichi fasti , riaggancia Cispo e culla ancora qualche flebile speranza di titolo.
Il Profeta |
Per il trio Betto/Tronketto/Boccino non rimane che lottare per un posto salvezza soprattutto dopo le sconfitte subite in contemporanea. C'e' da dire che il signore dei Colombi ,colui che ha dichiarato "Ormai e' finito tutto", e' sempre piu' alla deriva suffering from signs of any type of disaster like the deadly attack by a flock of doves in that Giglio because ... 'and the pigeon' was so 'sciagattato from cousins? Questioning the Sibyl of Capel Rosso seems tragic that these signals indicate impending hemorrhage money for culinary reasons et winemaking.
Yet another attack in the mouth, betrayed by Piccioni |
Nasca, anonymous in his usual position, still does not give evidence and always hope for salvation while The Gray Wolf Padlock, Three days from the end, and 'the first pagacena mathematician.
CAT - Robertino 1-0
JONTINO - Snitch 2-0
Sirviö - TRONKETTO 1-0
Robertino - GIANNONE
Snitch - CAT
Maceroni'S CUP
completed the quarter-final round of the Queen of the cups and leaves us with only one solid certainty: This year's Nano
Evil Betto a good dog licks the beans and won a blessed. The Board
Trophies of our aggressive and appanzato low shot will remain 'untouched this year, populated only by hairy spiders and spider webs.
Betto surrounded by the many trophies won in canine years |
The semi-finalists are almost all high-ranking teams, except the lock loose cannon, who seeks to bring continues the tradition degli ultimi anni in cui chi vince il Tapiro conquista anche la Maceroni's...e vvai Lupo Grigio.
L'indomito Lupo Grigio |
Serwer Darmowy Bez Reklam
FtseMib: 08.03.2011
The derivative is in accumulation phase.
Today the story of bargaining took place around the bullish trendline with closure over it. Index
still bound to the bottom, without buying, however, 'precise direction.
Attempts to raise the head of the buyers today are still weak.
Monday, March 7, 2011
Hardy-weinberg Problems Lab 8 Answers
In a period in which Italy and abroad 'referred only to tease, thanks to the nauseating performance of our beloved Prime Minister pocket always, I want and I want to refresh the spirit of an episode during which we were the protagonists World War II. Episode
that filled me with pride and I had never heard of until a few months ago, when, thanks to the wonderful program and 'The History We Giovanni Minoli, I am aware.
In June 1940, with France already 'virtually defeated by the Germans, Italy is' a small area that stretched from Switzerland to the Mediterranean, including Grenoble, Mentone and Nice.
In November 1942, when the Allies occupied parts of the French territories in Africa (Algeria and Morocco) demonstrating the unreliability 'of the French Vichy government, Hitler ordered' the occupation of territory under the jurisdiction of that government and Italy expanded control in the whole of Corsica and France almost to Lyons, including the city 'as Toulon, Aix En Provence and Chambery.
While the Seventh Army controlled the Corsica, southern France was under the jurisdiction of the Fourth Army made up of 6000 officers and 136,000 soldiers.
La IV Armata comandata dal Generale Mario Vercellino,Monarchico ma non Fascista , ebbe il merito di instaurare un regime tollerante e illuminato,portando nelle zone occupate una ventata di pace ,allontanando i clamori della guerra ,tanto che la resistenza Francese opero' molto blandamente nei nostri confronti sino all'Estate '43 quando,alla caduta del Fascismo in Luglio, i sentori della nostra imminente resa li portarono ad accellerare i tempi per anticipare i Tedeschi ,cosa che non gli porto' ad alcun risultato.
Il motivo per cui gli Italiani della IV Armata mi hanno inorgoglito e' stato l'aperto sprezzo delle leggi razziali Italo/Tedesche ,mai applicate.
Nei territori Italianizzati infatti gli Ebrei non dovevano portare segni di riconoscimento (la Stella di Davide) rendendoli anonimi e non venivano perseguitati ,al contrario dell'accanimento dei funzionari di Vichy.
Il Governo Vichy mal tollerava l'ingerenza Italiana che in molti casi sottraeva dei prigionieri gia' in loro possesso come a Lione quando un distaccamento Italiano sotto diretto ordine di Vercellino circondo' una caserma collaborazionista liberando decine di ebrei pronti alla deportazione.
Il sentimento che attraversava i petti dei nostri ragazzi in Francia e' mirabilmente espresso dalle parole del Maresciallo d'Italia Ugo Cavallero « Gli eccessi contro gli ebrei non sono compatibili con l'onore dell'esercito italiano. » e certamente Cavallero non era quello che si dice uno stinco di Santo, ma al contrario un fanatico Fascista della first hour, loyal to Mussolini.
Our Jewish policy did hoist the then German foreign minister, General Joachim Von Ribentropp that protest 'which sent directly to Mussolini' Police Inspector Guido Lospinoso to solve the "Jewish problem".
Fortunately Lospinoso, arrived in France on track 'to the behavior of Vercellino and his officers also helping the Jews.
Quseta Italian line meant that about 80% of the 300,000 Israelites are still present in France, migrated to the areas of our influence and at the time of mobilization of the Fourth Army to Italy, followed by the .
Unfortunately for the local French and the Jews, the Fourth Army, in anticipation of the surrender, begin 'to demobilize to Italy in August 1943.
Advent armistice signed on September 8 by short-sighted management of the Badoglio government, surprises still 60,000 men, including officers and soldiers, in France, who were immediately attacked by overwhelming German forces.
Few of them managed to escape and join the French resistance acting on the western border French / Italian, the rest were killed or deported to labor camps Germans.
Since then, the Southern France really knew the meaning of the word occupation, as he knew the horror generated by the ferocity of Klaus Barbie "the Hangman of Lyon" responsible for the roundup of Jews and partisans in France ....
... but this is' another sad story.
In a period in which Italy and abroad 'referred only to tease, thanks to the nauseating performance of our beloved Prime Minister pocket always, I want and I want to refresh the spirit of an episode during which we were the protagonists World War II. Episode
that filled me with pride and I had never heard of until a few months ago, when, thanks to the wonderful program and 'The History We Giovanni Minoli, I am aware.
In June 1940, with France already 'virtually defeated by the Germans, Italy is' a small area that stretched from Switzerland to the Mediterranean, including Grenoble, Mentone and Nice.
In November 1942, when the Allies occupied parts of the French territories in Africa (Algeria and Morocco) demonstrating the unreliability 'of the French Vichy government, Hitler ordered' the occupation of territory under the jurisdiction of that government and Italy expanded control in the whole of Corsica and France almost to Lyons, including the city 'as Toulon, Aix En Provence and Chambery.
While the Seventh Army controlled the Corsica, southern France was under the jurisdiction of the Fourth Army made up of 6000 officers and 136,000 soldiers.
Esercito Italiano in Francia 1940-1943 |
La IV Armata comandata dal Generale Mario Vercellino,Monarchico ma non Fascista , ebbe il merito di instaurare un regime tollerante e illuminato,portando nelle zone occupate una ventata di pace ,allontanando i clamori della guerra ,tanto che la resistenza Francese opero' molto blandamente nei nostri confronti sino all'Estate '43 quando,alla caduta del Fascismo in Luglio, i sentori della nostra imminente resa li portarono ad accellerare i tempi per anticipare i Tedeschi ,cosa che non gli porto' ad alcun risultato.
Generale Mario Vercellino |
Il motivo per cui gli Italiani della IV Armata mi hanno inorgoglito e' stato l'aperto sprezzo delle leggi razziali Italo/Tedesche ,mai applicate.
Nei territori Italianizzati infatti gli Ebrei non dovevano portare segni di riconoscimento (la Stella di Davide) rendendoli anonimi e non venivano perseguitati ,al contrario dell'accanimento dei funzionari di Vichy.
Bandiera Francese sotto il governo Vichy |
Il Governo Vichy mal tollerava l'ingerenza Italiana che in molti casi sottraeva dei prigionieri gia' in loro possesso come a Lione quando un distaccamento Italiano sotto diretto ordine di Vercellino circondo' una caserma collaborazionista liberando decine di ebrei pronti alla deportazione.
Il sentimento che attraversava i petti dei nostri ragazzi in Francia e' mirabilmente espresso dalle parole del Maresciallo d'Italia Ugo Cavallero « Gli eccessi contro gli ebrei non sono compatibili con l'onore dell'esercito italiano. » e certamente Cavallero non era quello che si dice uno stinco di Santo, ma al contrario un fanatico Fascista della first hour, loyal to Mussolini.
Marshal of Italy Ugo Cavallero |
Our Jewish policy did hoist the then German foreign minister, General Joachim Von Ribentropp that protest 'which sent directly to Mussolini' Police Inspector Guido Lospinoso to solve the "Jewish problem".
General Joachim Von Ribentropp |
Fortunately Lospinoso, arrived in France on track 'to the behavior of Vercellino and his officers also helping the Jews.
Quseta Italian line meant that about 80% of the 300,000 Israelites are still present in France, migrated to the areas of our influence and at the time of mobilization of the Fourth Army to Italy, followed by the .
Unfortunately for the local French and the Jews, the Fourth Army, in anticipation of the surrender, begin 'to demobilize to Italy in August 1943.
Advent armistice signed on September 8 by short-sighted management of the Badoglio government, surprises still 60,000 men, including officers and soldiers, in France, who were immediately attacked by overwhelming German forces.
Italian Marshal Pietro Badoglio |
Few of them managed to escape and join the French resistance acting on the western border French / Italian, the rest were killed or deported to labor camps Germans.
Since then, the Southern France really knew the meaning of the word occupation, as he knew the horror generated by the ferocity of Klaus Barbie "the Hangman of Lyon" responsible for the roundup of Jews and partisans in France ....
Klaus Barbie "the Hangman of Lyon" |
... but this is' another sad story.
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