Thursday, January 27, 2011

Pennsylvania Real Estate


The pair of head Giannione / Puparo Jontino stretches on a more and more 'AC static as the Mona Lisa, which is coupled by a revived Geriatric Team, which, by replacing the Gerovital with Vegimineral 77 (Powerful anti-aging medicine substances extracted from fossil fuels), I driven back into the throat has paved the role of fire of straw that I had given in the previous post.

New Training for boldly arterial

Gufato and sunk
Communication service: When the evil companions of Fantasy snacks will set their sights on him, immediately toccatevi Maroni, if you take them lightly, there is no 'escape .... get ready then at least a trio of defeats before scemi l'effetto della gufata

Classifica che presenta i candidati sbafatori accoppiati due a due ed  impensieriti dal solo Robertino ad una lunghezza ,per il resto il solito Lago di lagrime amare con un Pallesecche tornato alla retta via  abbandonando il Gatto nelle gozzoviglie del Tapiro's Place .


NASCA - PALLESECCHE   1 - 1 (Ricorso in essere ,Lunedi' la corte federale emettera' la sentenza di omologazione o revisione del risultato)
CISPONE - Robertino 1-0



Robertino - LOCK

Maceroni'S CUP

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Where On Poptropica Can You Get A Balloon

Nuovo sarcofago di Chernobyl: avanzamento dei lavori

On January 21, 2011 were carried out various activities in the projects included cleaning the territory of the Chernobyl nuclear power plant and construction of the new sarcophagus. Here they are in detail:

- activities of excavation for the construction of the foundations New Sarcophagus . Various structures and buildings inside the area of \u200b\u200bthe protection have been demolished or relocated. In this context, attention was paid to techniques for the management of contaminated soil and transport of radioactive material generated from excavation activities and its storage on a dedicated site.
During the progress of work, were found more than 32,000 cubic meters of solid radioactive waste materials and technology, 4 machines (cranes, heavy transport, earth moving equipment) buried under a layer of earth at the time of construction of the sarcophagus , 1986 and high-level radioactive waste which has been done removal.
The remediation and cleaning of the area where the new protection will be built were completed in 2010.

- to carrying out the trenches for the foundations of the new sarcophagus and temporary lifting of the support structures work. The excavations were carried out for 80% and are nearing completion. The industrial site will be built the new sarcophagus, the contracting company Novarka, during installation of the foundations has already removed over 54,000 cubic feet of debris buried. About 50% of the removed material was transported to an area for temporary storage, the rest at a facility di smaltimento di rifiuti radioattivi. E’ stata poi avviata la fase di cementificazione per le basi delle torri di sollevamento.

- Contemporaneamente agli scavi, alla fine di agosto 2010, è stata avviata la palificazione delle fondamenta dove sorgeranno i binari su cui scorrerà la struttura del Nuovo Sarcofago. La costruzione di queste prevede l’utlizzo di 396 pali in metallo della lunghezza ognuno di 25 metri e con il diametro di 1 metro. Parametri e misure sono constantemente sotto controllo affinchè garantiscano la stabilità strutturale e l’affidabilità del Nuovo Sarcofago, il cui peso sitmato è di 30.000 tonnellate.
A fine 2010 sono stati avviati anche i lavori di costruzione della piattaforma where it will run the business of assembling the main structure of the new sarcophagus.

in 2010 were used in these activities from 300 to 550 people in 2011, the work will be involved no less than 650-700 workers.
At the moment, the current background radiation in the industrial site of the new sarcophagus is 0.6 mR / h. This parameter is continuously monitored in order to respect the limits set by regulation of the proceedings. No significant values \u200b\u200bare exceeded safety limits.

Source: , January 24, 2011; Translation: Project Humus

Friday, January 21, 2011

Camp Stove To Boil Water

IVO Letey

And good our shaper!

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Garland Vintage Stove

Il nuovo film Alexander Mindadze is on the Chernobyl disaster

's new film Alexander Mindadze will focus on the Chernobyl disaster in 1986.
subbotu V (Saturday, innocent), it was originally called, cost $ 3 million and was co-produced by companies from Russia, Ukraine, Belarus and Germany.
The film will debut as a world premiere at the Berlin Film Festival next to be held February 10 to 20.
The plot tells the story of a Communist Party official who is trying, together with their women, to escape the consequences of the tragedy that took place at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant in April 1986.

Source: , January 18, 2011.

Insurance Agency Purchase Agreement

Yanukovich asks Japan to help build a new sarcophagus

Ukrainian President Viktor Yanukovich in Tokyo on his first visit as head of state, has asked Japan to help his country in building a new sarcophagus over the reactor No. 4 of the Chernobyl nuclear power plant. Yanukovich has made this request during a hearing with the Japanese Emperor Akihito .
"We ask the international community, including Japan" cites the office of the Imperial Court from the words of the Ukrainian President, "that help us in building a new sarcophagus over reactor No. 4 to prevent the possible spread of radiation . "
Yanukovich was expressed as answering the question of the Emperor: " What is the situation in the field of nuclear power today? "
" I've always felt sympathy for the victims of the tragedy ", Akihito said. The Ukrainian President thanked Japan for the fact that he was one of the major donors for the reconstruction of the area of Chernobyl nuclear power plant. He also invited representatives of Japan to take part in a meeting on nuclear safety, to be held in Ukraine in the aegis of the government, in April, to mark the 25th anniversary of the disaster.

Source: ITAR-TASS , January 19, 2011.

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Spectrobes Origins Different Color List

Fantasy Football Fantasy Football 2010/2011 OF THE STARS OF STAR OF STARS Fantasy Football 2010/2011 2010/2011


Leading splits the trio of top leaving Jontino all alone in third place with two "Jokers" Giannone and the puppeteer who mock from the two-point lead that were trimmed.

The Melodic Tino

What's more the sad "Tino" ... the former Commander in Chief, he found my proverbial tabagistico breathing down your neck to one length.

El Presidentissimo

situation more and more 'rather disastrous for the former Dream Team Representative of the Villa Varoli.
After the break, taking just beaten the decrepit members have accused violent rheumatic pains amplified by incorrect dosage GEROVITAL ENRICHED which had sound binges touching the limits of doping, so slipping 'ephemeral first place with a disappointing sixth. Findings ..? FOCO STRAW.

Un'incazzatissimo Geropresidente

Cispone only among the candidates pagacena, leaves open some hope of salvation taking just one point from the Geriatric Team. Tears and despair instead
raging among the last five with the duo desperately detached Pallesecche / Cat resting happily at Tapir's Place.
Now I know who he was busy with other matters in the proper balls, loitering to art with the Cat in Festini of dubious morality '.

The merry busy Tapirs


GATTO - CISPONE    0 - 3




La prima di ritorno coincide con l'inizio della fase a gironi della "Coppona".

Monday, January 17, 2011

Whats Jock Itch Look Like When Its Healing

TRY THIS - 22e23gennaio

We are ready for TRY THIS!
This year we invited the best brand of snowboard bindings and boards to give you the opportunity to test them for a whole weekend. As usual the guys SWITshop come loaded with salami and beer not to let on an empty stomach!
as usual ... ALL FOR FREE!
And this year we will stay on in the evening, at Gallagher's Pub in Pila to continue on Saturday!

Friday, January 14, 2011

How Did Pericles Form A Democracy

22e23gennaio - TRY THIS

next weekend we expect the park to help you get the tables of the best snowboard companies on the market. In a few days we will give you a complete list of marchi presenti, voi tenetevi liberi e venite su muniti di un documento e tanta voglia di snowboard.

Thursday, January 13, 2011

How Do You Feel If You Take Carisoprodol

STALKER - Launch a "social experiment"

In cooperation with the Russian community Stalker, GSC is supporting a small "social experiment" addressed to all fans of STALKER and implemented through the official page on Facebook . The intent is to create a kind of direct dialogue between the communities east and west: the children of asks members of its community to propose questions to the players of the Western community (Ie: who you are, where you from, because you're passionate about STALKER, etc.). After gathering the questions and select the best ones, will require a minimum of 5 members of the community present on the official page on Facebook to respond. After that, the roles are reversed and start over again, this time by the Western community.
scheme is original, funny and perfectly in line with what STALKER was able to do until now: to unite cultures and different people share the same passion.

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Church Visitor Letter Sample

After the long break for the holidays Panettone publications as the best opportunity to begin the year with a nice for a change, Fantasy Football?
And here he is 'the return of our increasingly' dangerous as Fil Rouge after the second and last championship crowned king of winter, the indomitable Jon "Franco" Tino, even if accompanied by puppet-masters, always tricky, and a Giannone overwhelming sitting on his own updraft, beaten to the wire just above the head to head. Rank
tight enclosed with the first six points in three off the stump of pagacena capeggiato da Cispone .
Bagarre anche per il Tapiro's Place dove i tre disperati Pallesecche,Sirvio e Gatto si sono mestamente adagiati.
Pallesecche la nota dolente del trio,vista la rosa tra le piu' competitive, non si capisce ancora se la situazione e' dovuta a pura ed assoluta sfiga o semplice incompetenza....oppure distratto perche' in altre faccende affaccendato??????

Il crollo del baldanzoso Geriatric Team del Boccino lascia stupefatti,forse un uso eccessivo del Gerovital sta creando scompensi tra gli attempati componenti della rappresentativa arteriosclerotica? o il Presidente/Allenatore non sa' piu' da quale tipo di rappresentante farmaceutico farsi sponsorizzare to revitalize the weary limbs of wilted after a swift basis of panettone and gingerbread? The dream of eternal youth and 'already' gone? Mah .. who knows' ... meanwhile already 'is' moving on the market for a bit and a midfielder, among Bettega / Boninsegna and Benetti / De Sisti.

Result roaring in the game ... leading the new "Derby della Ointments (gloss over the 'cause of the name, let fly your imagination) ... where Robertino" Betto's Dog "overwhelms the hated historical rival Nasca" the turtle ".


CISPONE ..................................... ............................................. 3 points
PALLESECCHE / Robertino ................................................. 2 points


Sirviö - GIANNONE 0-7
Snitch - BERNARDINO 0-2
Robertino - NASCA 4-0



Sirviö - Snitch
Robertino -
From next week we will start 'the group stage of the competition prince of the tournament, "Maceroni'S CUP" below the group and the first matches scheduled






CISPONE - Sirviö







A Breve la SNAI pubblichera' le nuove quotazioni del totalizzatore per gli scommettitori,sicuramente avremo delle variazioni sostanziose

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Urinary Tract Infection For Dummies

Chernobyl, flora and fauna and the "red herring"

In keeping with the spirit that inspired me to create DZ would like to publish at this time, the position of Massimo Bonfatti , deliberately ignoring the numerous articles that have appeared recently on the Web about the "Nature winning on radiation" (or similar securities). I do not deny space to those articles for bias (I've often supported in the past and I have every intention of dadicare them their rightful place in the future) but because, to date, there is no question of current news, nor new nor anything in particular: they are, indeed, years (you can even find something in the Archives in 2008-2009 DZ!) that are periodically published articles of this kind.
much the better, mind you! I, personally, I find them interesting and worthy of attention, when well written and well argued. The fact is that I also find "embarrassing" recycle every "n" month proposing the same story as if it were the last frontier of discovery in the aftermath of the Chernobyl disaster.
So for this round, I refuse to echo in news - obsolete - and that kind of reserve space in a position "antagonist" , so to speak, that at least makes the effort to propose a kind of "point Situational Current:

N amazes me on the fact that, approaching the anniversary of the nuclear accident at Chernobyl (and more since, as this year, the twenty-fifth) and started the trickle of news designed to demonstrate the now "reassuring" ecological situation around the Chernobyl plant. Seem news "sensational" , but are the same now circulating for some time and shooting with the desired time limit. The latest in time about items / services with titles like: "Nature wins at Chernobyl" , "A return to the Chernobyl plant," or Fruit and vegetables from Chernobyl ".
movie watching or reading the articles does not escape, who is attentive, they emphasize the role of nature that wins on radiation (and how it would be nice that was really the case!) without making any analysis or component derived from observations made with scientific procedure, but in placing art in services (overshadowed by the alleged sensationalism of the news ) forms doubt ( "seem" , "maybe" , "alleged" , "we do not know" ).
I remember in 1996 I was in "exclusion zone" in Khoiniki Province (Belarus) has already started talking about it as "Park natural ecological provides for the release of the bison from the park Belovezhskaya Pushcha (on the border between Belarus and Poland), as then actually occurred, and the introduction of grapes to produce wine from Moldova.
These claims were supported by projects financed by ' IAEA (International Atomic Energy Agency) which will include dignitaries and local researchers, with the equivalent monthly salaried daily for that time ($ 50). It was the regret that I voiced the late professor Miljutin, Rector of the Minsk Sakharov.
And the current is nothing but the same policy at the time of the IAEA, a cui la maggiore lontananza dall’evento (una generazione) ed il ricordo che tende a scemare (quando non a infastidire in epoca di “rilancio nucleare” ) permettono una migliore dissimulazione ed una maggiore presunta credibilità.
Ma non è così!
Nel 1999 il professore Timothy Mousseau , dell’Università della Czarolina del Sud si recò nella “Zona di esclusione” accompagnato da Anders Møller, un ornitologo e biologo evoluzionista dell’Università Pierre e Marie Curie di Parigi per effettuare una serie di ricerche.
Queste scatenarono un dibattito intenso sugli effetti delle radiazioni sugli esseri umani e animali.
As you know, the radioactive fallout from Chernobyl had contaminated some 80,000 square kilometers of territory in Europe and worldwide, more than 300,000 people were evacuated from an area of \u200b\u200bmore than 1,300 square kilometers around the reactor.
Yet in the face of these data, the abandoned town of Pripyat were coming described as a "refuge" for wildlife : numerous sightings of wolves, bears and moose wandering through the deserted streets and swallows flying between the buildings abandoned.
The underlying implication was as follows: If the wildlife could come back so soon, nuclear radiation, and thus the atomic energy, could not be as dangerous as claimed.
James Lovelock, the creator of the Gaia theory, wrote that even the natural world "would be eligible to receive and protect against external agents, including humans, nuclear waste ... preference for wildlife sites nuclear waste, suggests that the best sites for disposal are the tropical forests and other inaccessible habitats from development ".
The ratio of the Chernobyl Forum in 2005, downplayed the consequences of Chernobyl, saying that in the long term, tumors caused by the accident at the end just kill about 4,000 people (sigh!).
In fact, in an era of "dirty bombs" and nuclear proliferation , Chernobyl has only the function of be "an extreme consequence of an experiment malicious .
But even if the radiation levels have decreased over the course of 25 years, there are still areas "hot" . Prof. Mosseau has, in fact, found that the most contaminated areas are microSieverts 300 / hour (Geiger counter), more than 1,200 times the normal levels of radiation, or 15 times more than a chest radiograph. It is, therefore, the long-term exposure (the real parameter to be taken into account) to become deleterious and, therefore, environmental contamination by radionuclides such as cesium 137, strontium 90 and plutonium 239, which have half-lives of respectively 30, 28.5 and 24,100 years.
Because, after which, the radionuclides will decay to half their previous levels, it means that they will continue for years to contaminate the land (for example, 300 years for cesium 137).
Mousseau says "What we should worry about is power, as ingestion is the main route for exposure el'intossicazione radioactive" .
And despite the stories about nature thriving in the Chernobyl zone, the professor, even then and now, not is convinced.
His first discovery (along with Møller), was the increase in genetic mutations of the bird population, the exclusion zone around Chernobyl. The pair examined
20,000 "barn swallows from" finding in these animals legs crooked, misshapen nose, malformed tails, eyes and irregular tumors.
Some birds have red feathers, which should have been blue, and vice versa.
Due to the contamination of the food chain, species of birds had declined by more than 50% in areas of high radioactive contamination. Only a small proportion of swallows can reproduce, and only 5% of the eggs can hatch. Less than a third of the birds reach l’età adulta. Mousseau e Møller hanno potuto confermare queste anomalie genetiche esaminando lo sperma delle rondini.
Una delle loro scoperte più interessanti fu la connessione tra gli antiossidanti, le radiazioni ed il colore del piumaggio. In altre parole, negli esseri umani e negli uccelli, gli antiossidanti aiutano ad annullare gli effetti delle radiazioni. “Gli uccelli, con piumaggio brillante, che migrano a grandi distanze, come le rondini, devono impiegare un altissimo tasso metabolico producendo, come sottoprodotto, molti radicali liberi che, a loro volta, danneggiano i tessuti” , spiega Mousseau.
“Devono quindi utilizzare le scorte di antiossidanti presenti nel blood and liver to compensate for this potential damage. Females use large amounts of antioxidants for their eggs, and this is the reason why even the yolk is bright yellow ".
But at the end of their migration energy resources need to be replenished. "And this is not possible to build in areas heavily contaminated" .
Insects also suffer the effects of radioactivity. In the most contaminated areas there are fewer butterflies, bees, grasshoppers, dragonflies and spiders. "The fact that insects, including pollinators, are susceptible to contamination has a significant impact on the rest of the ecosystem" . The contents of
Mousseau, then, is the portrait of an ecosystem in crisis.

How do other scientists to prove the contrary?
For example, doctors and Baker Chesser of Texas Tech. University, published their study in the journal "American Scientist" in 2006. "We were surprised by the variety of mammals living in the shadow of the destroyed reactor after so short a time."
These studies, in contrast with those of Moller and Mousseau, speak of a wild boar population 10 to 15 times higher than outside the exclusion zone and not found high rates of mutation or evidence that survival rates differ among animals living in Chernobyl with those living in clean environments. But
Mousseau says "Chernobyl is not a lunar landscape. E 'possible to see birds and mammals, wolves, foxes, there are trees and plants - so it's not a total desert. The reason for this misconception is that the concentration of radioactive contamination is not uniform. So you can have as many living beings and bodies in an area, and none in another. For a biologist, however, this should be evident ". And this is what, from another point of view, has shown Professor Bandazhevsky. The presence of areas with decreased levels of radioactive contamination, do not immediately produce new living organisms have appeared (flora and fauna), symptom or disease manifestations: this is what makes you believe or deceive a return to normal. But in these less contaminated areas, in which the radioactive decay for various reasons it was faster, there is the constant and chronic action of radionuclides such as cesium , the strontium and plutonium , of \u200b\u200bwhich the half-life (or half-life) is not equivalent to half of its duration in the environment, but defines the time required perché la metà degli atomi decadano in un altro elemento. Per questo bisogna già pensare alla pericolosa attività di alcuni prodotti derivati, quali l’ Americio e il Bario . Questa azione a lungo tempo si manifesta con una emissione costante di basse dosi di radiazioni che, col tempo appunto, indurranno mutazioni genetiche negli organismi viventi residenti (senza evidenza clinica e, quindi, supportando l’idea/illusione di un “buon stato di salute” ) e, solo secondariamente (anni successivi o future generazioni) e sotto il loro continuo stimolo, potranno dare segni oggettivi.
Questa è la realtà che deve tenere presente chi osserva l’evolversi events not only in the exclusion zone, but in all areas affected by radioactive fallout.
Another approach, not only scientifically wrong, it's dishonest. I therefore agree with
Mousseau that, where scientists (mainly Ukrainians) who criticize the conclusions of his study and for which the area is becoming a haven for wildlife because of the lack of human interference, says that these statements are "merely anecdotal" .
is in favor of Mousseau is the fact that no one has been able to make a search so strict (almost four years of cataloging and study, rigorous counting of those surveyed, their distribution and relationship to the background contamination).
"The animals under investigation, and especially birds, offer the best" quantitative measure "the impact on wildlife and the census of radioactive contamination of animal species in this area, carried out for nearly four years has produced considerable evidence that show that the radioactivity has a "significant impact" on biodiversity loss. The truth is that the harmful effects of radioactive contamination are so great as to be overwhelming. This is the first document that provides rigorous, quantitative data on the fact that the life of mammals zona chiusa è significativamente influenzata dalla presenza della contaminazione radioattiva. In ogni caso, non penso che sia una cattiva idea definire questa zona “un rifugio per la fauna selvatica” , se questo venisse però utilizzato come “laboratorio naturale”, in cui fosse possibile studiare le conseguenze a lungo termine di un incidente di tale tipo” .

Il professor Mousseu ha anche criticato un recente film documentario intitolato “ Chernobyl, a natural history" , promosso da una società di produzione francese (chissà come mai, proprio francese!!!!), che mostra come la natura abbia "recolonized" the exclusion zone in the absence of man "If the company wants to know more about long-term consequences of large environmental disasters - and Chernobyl is just one of many - it is important that all of us (researchers) We assume our responsibilities seriously ". In addition, Professor Mousseau
has recently begun to collaborate with the Hospital of Biology radioactive in Kiev for a long-term study on people living in the area: more than 11,000 adults and 2,000 children in the region of Naroda, 50 kilometers from Chernobyl .
The professor says that the incidence of cancer of the defects alla nascita e la riduzione della vita media è, tra gli abitanti della regione, allarmante: “Esiste una montagna di informazioni che comprendono tutti i punti sulle conseguenze significative dell’esposizione cronica alle radiazioni della popolazione umana. Quali saranno le conseguenze per i figli di questi bambini?”
Anche i dati resi pubblici dal prof Bandazhevsky ne sono un’ulteriore conferma: soprattutto l’inversione delle linee dei tassi di natalità e mortalità nelle zone maggiormente contaminate (proprio in prossimità di quella “zona di esclusione” che, per alcuni, si è rivitalizzata), l’aumento dei tumori e delle patologie del cardiovascular system (especially in children) and diseases and birth defects.

I would still remember how, from research to Møller and Mousseau, it appears the best wisdom of the swallows in relation to human recolonisation. In Chernobyl, in fact, the birds choose to nest in sites with low levels of background radioactivity. Møller and Mousseau are located, for their research, more than 200 nest boxes in the Red Forest, about 3 km away from the nuclear reactor exploded in 1986. Using these artificial nests, the two researchers have studied the nesting habits of two species of birds - the great tit Parus major and the pied flycatcher Ficedula hypoleuca. They wanted to see if either species would differentiate between nesting sites with high and low levels of background radiation. The nest boxes were found to be in very similar positions with comparable food resources at your bill, but with a different background radioactivity due to the patchy distribution of the fallout after an accident. The levels near some nests were 2,000 times higher than the natural background radioactivity. Møller and Mousseau noted that both species have much prefer nests placed in areas of low radioactivity and the pied flycatcher appears to be more sensitive than the great tit. And this should teach us anything?
Finally, a brief reference regarding the possibility to grow in the exclusion zone of Chernobyl: simply the best way to utter many isotopes underground, as well as bring them into contact with groundwater.
Yeah, from my first trips in the areas contaminated by Chernobyl (1994), heard about deep plowing and burglary for trying to "dilute" the radioactive contamination present on the ground. All useless!
Now with the possibility to restart cultivation forms will be reintroduced these techniques (and others) that are typical of agriculture.
If not a crime, at least one big stupid for these new "Strangelove" (in the sense of the song Vecchioni: "And the biggest conquered nation after nation / and when it was opposite the" zone "felt a jerk / farther because you could not win anything ... " ) .

Massimo Bonfatti

Source: Project Humus , January 8, 2011

Monday, January 10, 2011

New Born Baby Greeting Message


Sunday, January 9, 2011

Smelly Urine In Perimenopause

Oleg Yavorsky answers to 10 questions posed by the Community STALKER

The official Facebook page dedicated to STALKER were recently collected Ten Questions to which Oleg Yavorsky , public relations director for the GSC, kindly provided answers. Did not lead to innovations that have special but did not know some answers Oleg are worthy of interest that could have implications for the content of STALKER 2. We recall that a similar collection of questions and answers has recently been made on official Facebook page dedicated to STALKER
Oleg has first confirmed that STALKER 2 will offer a brand new storyline and the game will be developed primarily on a PC, then be adapted console platforms. Regarding the new engine, Oleg explained that the development work dell''X-Ray started in 2000 is unclear how a new engine is now necessary to keep pace with time, an engine, of course, Offir new visualizations.
Two questions in particular seem to me worthy of attention: you can customize your character at creation (clothes, face, body, etc.)? Oleg has responded not sure ( "I'm not sure about it" ), which leaves some hope. I believe that you can customize, at least in part, his alter-ego would provide some element ruolistico more, which is always welcome. The other question is about the highly anticipated cooperative mode. Again, Oleg has remained vague and merely replied that, although the developers have thought a great deal of co-operative element in this punto dello sviluppo di S.T.A.L.K.E.R. 2 non è possibile garantire nulla. La modalità cooperativa, che peraltro era già stata prevista per il primo capitolo di S.T.A.L.K.E.R. e poi abbandonata, sarebbe un gran valore aggiunto sul prodotto finale.
Una domanda è stata anche posta sul destino dell'X-Ray: diventerà open source dopo il rilascio di S.T.A.L.K.E.R. 2? Troppo presto per sbilanciarsi in una risposta sicura.
Ah, questa è la domanda più spettacolare: forse ricorderete come, ad aprile 2010, il calendario ufficiale di S.T.A.L.K.E.R. abbia mostrato un susseguirsi di stringhe di codice analoghe a quelle presenti nei tre capitoli della trilogia. Molte furono le ipotesi - a quell'epoca S.T.A.L.K.E.R. 2 had not yet been announced "officially" - Oleg and now confirmed that those strings were part of the code of the new engine!
The last question concerned the clothing line signed STALKER currently purchased only in Ukraine or Eastern Europe, and Oleg said with enthusiasm that GSC intends to make them available worldwide through an online store that official should be opened very soon.

Friday, January 7, 2011

Do Guys Like Small Breasts

2 - Considerations for "hot" on a new play area

sly like a bandit, as a lethal Freedom, states as a duty, as an unexpected Monolith, as a solitary concrete came the news that the area game STALKER 2 will be located in the triangle between the city of Chernobyl, the nuclear complex and "second Chernobyl" .
In this article I will present some considerations "hot" about this anticipation and proposed some hypotheses on the environment which, in fact, we could see the STALKER 2.
The first thought that came to my mind looking at the play area as described, perhaps too schematically, from GSC - you find a map of example in the picture above on the left - is that the city of Pripyat , now a legend in the trilogy, STALKER, will be excluded from the setting the new chapter. A negative thought, definitely: in "Shadow of Chernobyl" , Pripyat is a milestone not only in texture but also simply in the setting of the game. The urban guerrilla who is waiting "Branded" is an epic, tragic and necessary to proceed to the plant but the city is also a visible symbol of what was in 1986 (and, in the fiction of the game, 'explosion of 2006). Even in "Clear Sky" takes Pripyat, indirectly, characteristics crucial to the mission of the Mercenary Scarface: surely not go directly, but the logistics and its strategic role and its underground play a key role to achieve, again or for the first time (depending on your point of view) the nuclear power plant. E. .. oh, really want to parry "Call of Pripyat" ? The chapter in which Pripyat - namely the south-eastern district - was made as realistic and consistent with the reality of events?! A veil of respectful silence is the most suitable one can express about it, as only person to play the title - and then visit CoP in Pripyat - can account for the excellent work done by developers.
Now, here we are: we are told, implicitly, that Pripyat will not be included in the setting of STALKER 2. How should we pick (and in the ass, I mean!)? Well, first we recall how, in "Shadow of Chernobyl" and partly in "Clear Sky" the geography of the area not repeating all the reality of things, so that the plant was located north of Pripyat and the rest of the area proposed as the setting. a "mistake" wanted, mind you: the geographic realism sacrificed in the name of a more consistent background turned to logistics and gameplay. Acceptable, all things considered. Of course, things CoP has reduced significantly (but not by much, perhaps, given the location of Kopac, Emerald and other areas) but it is likely to expect STALKER in 2 more 'gaming licenses " that, at present, impossible to make objective and definitive opinion on the choices of the developers. So let the matter "Pripyat" on standby and continue beyond.
The playing area is described in the triangle in question is very wide and varied. There is the city of Chernobyl - if it were given to visitors as the setting would be a novelty and certainly worthy of note - to the south-east, there "Chernobyl-2" - and here the only limit to the development a plot is the imagination! - To the west, there is a nuclear power plant - what could be left behind among Clear Sky and "Shadow of Chernobyl" !? - To the north. Well, yes, these are the angles of the triangle. And in the middle? And along the sides? Ah, I can not make assumptions. Certainly there is room set for areas along wetlands, lakes, rivers, plains, roads, hills, villages, marshes, and so on. Add to this,, as admitted by the GSC, the presence of new Laboratories X-dungeons and underground areas. The conversation becomes very large and unpredictable, more so if we give up the idea that there will be a new storyline which at the time, you do not know anything.
So, in conclusion, the play area is now well defined but still dense's extremely large and potentially of locations that are inconsistent with the geographical reality or what we might expect from the little information leaked out until now. Before drawing conclusions is still time ...

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calendar January 2 - Questions and Answers (Part 1)

As anticipated a few days ago, here's the first list of questions and answers, published today on the official Facebook page dedicated STALKER
to remember that this is an initiative to select 15 questions Interest among those raised by community and get the most complete and comprehensive responses by GSC.
curator and promoter of the initiative is Joe Mullin alias Sasha Nikolsky, head of the STALKER page on Facebook.
We come to the point:

What will be the main difference between STALKER and two chapters of the first trilogy?
STALKER 2 Offir a new story, new characters (with some png already seen the first trilogy) and, of course, a new engine.

There will be a major element of survival, in STALKER 2? Yes

What features will be removed or resized in versione PC rispetto alle versioni per console?
Dal momento che lo sviluppo del gioco è condotto sulla versione PC, non ci sarà alcun taglio o ridimensionamento. La sostanziale differenza fra la versione PC e quella per console sarà il livello di dettaglio grafico (il PC offre maggiori effetti estetici).

Ci sarà qualche nuova modalità di interazione con i png?
Cosa intendi? E' difficile rispondere a questa domanda.

Ci sarà Sidorovich in S.T.A.L.K.E.R. 2?
Mi asterrò dal rispondere a questa domanda, per ora.

Ci sarà nuovamente la guerra fra le Fazioni?

L'interfaccia The Game Plan (inventory, maps, etc.) of the PC version will suffer (as has already happened for other games) some interference due to the system interface for the console?
No, nothing like that.

There will be new mutants? Yes

How many weapons will there be?
It 'difficult to quantify at this time.

What parts of the area will there be? Or, you may see the entire area? Environment
the game in the triangle between the plant, the town of Chernobyl and
Chenobyl 2 (where is the huge antenna).

The game environment will be a single grande mappa?
Per adesso preferiamo non rispondere.

Le DX11 saranno supportate?

Ci saranno altri Lab-X e complessi segreti sotterranei?

Sarà sviluppato il sistema di acquisto di armi "speciali" introdotto con Nimble e sarà possibile per il giocatore accedere a una maggiore varietà e tipologia di armi da fuori la Zona attraverso contatti con trafficanti speciali?
Abbiamo qualche interessante idea a tal proposito.

Sarà possibile trasmutare gli artefatti utilizzando le anomalie?
No. Comunque, sarà ampliato il campo di utilizzo degli artefatti.
A short
is expected the second part of the selection!

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

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Martin and Roland

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