- activities of excavation for the construction of the foundations New Sarcophagus . Various structures and buildings inside the area of \u200b\u200bthe protection have been demolished or relocated. In this context, attention was paid to techniques for the management of contaminated soil and transport of radioactive material generated from excavation activities and its storage on a dedicated site.
During the progress of work, were found more than 32,000 cubic meters of solid radioactive waste materials and technology, 4 machines (cranes, heavy transport, earth moving equipment) buried under a layer of earth at the time of construction of the sarcophagus , 1986 and high-level radioactive waste which has been done removal.
The remediation and cleaning of the area where the new protection will be built were completed in 2010.
- to carrying out the trenches for the foundations of the new sarcophagus and temporary lifting of the support structures work. The excavations were carried out for 80% and are nearing completion. The industrial site will be built the new sarcophagus, the contracting company Novarka, during installation of the foundations has already removed over 54,000 cubic feet of debris buried. About 50% of the removed material was transported to an area for temporary storage, the rest at a facility di smaltimento di rifiuti radioattivi. E’ stata poi avviata la fase di cementificazione per le basi delle torri di sollevamento.
- Contemporaneamente agli scavi, alla fine di agosto 2010, è stata avviata la palificazione delle fondamenta dove sorgeranno i binari su cui scorrerà la struttura del Nuovo Sarcofago. La costruzione di queste prevede l’utlizzo di 396 pali in metallo della lunghezza ognuno di 25 metri e con il diametro di 1 metro. Parametri e misure sono constantemente sotto controllo affinchè garantiscano la stabilità strutturale e l’affidabilità del Nuovo Sarcofago, il cui peso sitmato è di 30.000 tonnellate.
A fine 2010 sono stati avviati anche i lavori di costruzione della piattaforma where it will run the business of assembling the main structure of the new sarcophagus.
in 2010 were used in these activities from 300 to 550 people in 2011, the work will be involved no less than 650-700 workers.
At the moment, the current background radiation in the industrial site of the new sarcophagus is 0.6 mR / h. This parameter is continuously monitored in order to respect the limits set by regulation of the proceedings. No significant values \u200b\u200bare exceeded safety limits.
Source: chnpp.gov.ua , January 24, 2011; Translation: Project Humus
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