Oleg has first confirmed that STALKER 2 will offer a brand new storyline and the game will be developed primarily on a PC, then be adapted console platforms. Regarding the new engine, Oleg explained that the development work dell''X-Ray started in 2000 is unclear how a new engine is now necessary to keep pace with time, an engine, of course, Offir new visualizations.
Two questions in particular seem to me worthy of attention: you can customize your character at creation (clothes, face, body, etc.)? Oleg has responded not sure ( "I'm not sure about it" ), which leaves some hope. I believe that you can customize, at least in part, his alter-ego would provide some element ruolistico more, which is always welcome. The other question is about the highly anticipated cooperative mode. Again, Oleg has remained vague and merely replied that, although the developers have thought a great deal of co-operative element in this punto dello sviluppo di S.T.A.L.K.E.R. 2 non è possibile garantire nulla. La modalità cooperativa, che peraltro era già stata prevista per il primo capitolo di S.T.A.L.K.E.R. e poi abbandonata, sarebbe un gran valore aggiunto sul prodotto finale.
Una domanda è stata anche posta sul destino dell'X-Ray: diventerà open source dopo il rilascio di S.T.A.L.K.E.R. 2? Troppo presto per sbilanciarsi in una risposta sicura.
Ah, questa è la domanda più spettacolare: forse ricorderete come, ad aprile 2010, il calendario ufficiale di S.T.A.L.K.E.R. abbia mostrato un susseguirsi di stringhe di codice analoghe a quelle presenti nei tre capitoli della trilogia. Molte furono le ipotesi - a quell'epoca S.T.A.L.K.E.R. 2 had not yet been announced "officially" - Oleg and now confirmed that those strings were part of the code of the new engine!
The last question concerned the clothing line signed STALKER currently purchased only in Ukraine or Eastern Europe, and Oleg said with enthusiasm that GSC intends to make them available worldwide through an online store that official should be opened very soon.
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