Sunday, February 27, 2011

How To Make Boat Seats

I prossimi eventi ciclistici internazionali

Taipei in March 2011 - CHINA

23-24-25 LUGLIO 2011
Milano - ITALIA

31 AGOSTO 1-2-3 SETTEMBRE 2011
Friedrichshafen - GERMANIA

14-15-16 SETTEMBRE 2011
Las Vegas - NEVADA

Motion Sensor Circuit Diagram

NAHBS 2011

The N orth A- Merican H andmade Bi cycle , S how qualified is an overview of a world of particular interest as that of the series in hand, often in limited quantities.
In this field the skill and passion are the elements that transform a simple discriminating among pedals in one piece that is a bit 'utility subject to and a little 'work of art.

Once again this is a small but fierce NABHS the Italian team:





There are also Cinelli and Columbus "out of competition", almost like "names oblige as we would say that it is impossible parlare di ciclismo senza prima o poi tirare in ballo l'uno o l'altro.

I nostri telaisti sono una vera e propria leggenda e tutti devono in un modo o nell'altro pagare un tributo di riconoscenza a chi ha creato lo stato dell'arte ed ha insegnato un mestiere al resto del mondo.

Maggiori dettagli sul  sito  oppure sui vari blog che parlano di ciclismo (alcuni dei quali sono presenti tra i link su questa pagina).

Friday, February 25, 2011

Free Poptropica Account 2010

Dadi e bulloni

Often pens went to bicycles one is led to consider the frame and wheels as an inseparable part of the vehicle itself. It 'true that without our velocipede wheel does not go very far and that the wheels alone without the rest of the bike are comically useless but there are other parties, without which the two components listed above can not even remain cohesive with each other. These parts are for bolts with nuts.

few days ago while I was a little 'maintenance to my bike I decided to make all the stringibile and, as often happens with newbies armed with too much good will and very little practical experience, I ended up with the exaggeration of a filleted nuts rear wheel, the screw of the brake lever and the housing of the pedal crank on the right.

Three simple small broken pieces of metal which, my whole bike has become a de facto unusable scrap. These stupid little incidents led me to consider the following:

A) are much more awkward than I thought, maybe if I do certain things to those who can.
B) No more nuts and bolts of the past.
C) Be careful when tightening nuts and bolts because then if you have trouble breaking.

I wanted to share this with all my experience so others do not have to repeat my own errors: Take care of your bolts treated as the frame, the handlebars, the seat of your bicycle. In this way you will always be safe and your sports car will last longer.

Q Power 15 Subwoofer For Sale

Chernobyl, la prima visita guidata

Minister Viktor Balogh said the , last fall. It has kept its promise, even if staff a month late February (the end) instead of January. Here are pictures of the first tour, an officer, under the auspices of the Government of Ukraine, the Chernobyl plant, the reactor 4 which collapsed in the spring of 1986, resulting in the most tragic civil nuclear disaster in history. Are only allowed to view adults, and pregnant women are excluded. The tour, as you can see from the pictures of ruins of houses and interiors, also includes an excursion to the nearby abandoned town of Pripyat. As you can see from the pictures, visitors are provided with helmets, masks and radiation detection equipment. The last final reactor shutdown, 3, will be completed in 2015. But the pessimists argue that sanitation of the area still requires decades.

Source: , February 25, 2011

Following a link to the source you will find an interesting photo gallery accompanying the article, on the tour in question.

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Custom Guitar Hero Slx

Parco del Ticinello, cancellato lo sfratto della Cascina Campazzo

As is clear from Article today the Journal of the House and the beautiful park grounds are no longer in danger. Eviction looming on housing and activities of the farming family that has operated for years the area has been canceled.
According to the article, the whole lot could soon be enlisted by the city to become officially public green area of \u200b\u200ba farming no longer buildable.

Here is the news for us particularly significant given that the park in question is located next to our neighborhood, the advertisements for the benefit of all because we believe that the preservation of one of the last green lungs of this city \u200b\u200bis the common heritage of everyone.

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Easy To Make Motorcycle Birthday Cakes


Dai people, we siamooooooo!
E 'time again to dust off the wardrobe to the scent of mothballs! Sunday 27
you want beautiful and dressed up in a classic pump "We Love the 90's" !
We will host the boys and their SWITshop classic grilled offered to all those who will us, we will prepare some for the premietti SMARZcontest and the special prize for the best vintage clothing!
See you on, Sunday, February 27, 1991! Daje!

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Gretchen Rossi Swimsuits On Housewives Of Oc



poor markings and emotions: 3 draws networks inviolate, two victories so far and the only victory by weight of the turkey Aggufito, dragged by the Genoa, against the league leaders with a mandatory 3 to 1.
The ranking took so 'few bumps, if we exclude the high jump Owl Burano immediately behind the puppeteers. To note the gap between the first and Pagacena sbafatori with my team in big trouble tracking shot that opens the drama on the total up to, desperately, to the now common and the looming presence dell'Airone angry tapir's place, too detached from the companion of snacks, the Cat (The only one in this hubbub of feathers and beaks enjoys).
the championship now languishes and drag towards the end with each team hoping not hit the eyes of untrustworthy Owl Cispio that a victim is a victim 'now doing a little thought to the final victory.
All we are asking, "Can 'the sudden appearance of LIU' Burano on his balcony to be the cause of the acquisition of such 'powerful esoteric powers to embarrass the Puparo baby doll?".

The Cispufo while preparing the next trip Cup

The Cispufo while preparing the next turn home

Meanwhile Heron continues through lawyers, and appeals to sow the game NASCAR - BALLS dating from the thirteenth day will be 'subject to cassation, Monday' next to the final response and Don Cucurucho, for its part, ; promises left and right shot in the legs in the event of a verdict against him.
It's going to a final season full of controversy and heated debate and threats ... Fasten your seatbelts, we are on the launch pad.


Robertino - Sirviö 0-1





All'epilogo della fase a gironi abbiamo le prime 4 vittime NASCA-SIRVIO-GATTO e PALLESECCHE le altre 8 si sfideranno nei quarti.



Robertino - LOCK

Monday, February 21, 2011

Body Waxing In Fort Smith Arkansas

Più fisso di così non si può

Wheel size: 24 "
Ideal for: Mountain Unicycle (downhill dirt jumps).
Colors: Black
Variants: Gusset Pedals Bianchi
Frame: Steel with Magura brake attacks
Seat tube: reinforced aluminum 25.4 mm
Stop saddle White two screws
Saddle: Nimbus Gel
Circle: White Aluminium
Hub: Nimbus ISIS
Rays: 36
Bearings: 42mm
Tyre: 24 "x3. 0 "Duro WildLife
Cranks: Venture Nimbus ISIS 150mm
Pedals: Metal pin removable

Here in the version with on-road properties Halo Twinrail Pink 24''x2 .20''

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Aspergers And Adulthood

S.T.A.L.K.E.R 2: piccole ma interessanti notizie

On 27 January, the founder of GSC Game World Sergei Grigorovich was interviewed on television about Ukraine STALKER 2. The news was reported a few days ago on LMS- team.
Sergei spoke very well of the new graphics engine, emphasizing the goodness of the aesthetic, and said that the storyline will be based on a novel set in the world of STALKER (obviously did not reveal the names of the authors!), One of many books already published in Eastern Europe, who are having some success among fans of the genre.

Sergei has also confirmed that STALKER 2 will be released for PC and certainly for the Xbox 360, probably also for PS3. He also stated that in the new game there will be nothing of "revolutionary" than the original trilogy: the basic structure, then, will remain the same, without distortions (luckily, I might add). As for the "duration" of the brand STALKER, Sergei got his hands on pointing out that, although it did not intend to produce "new STALKER" for life, as long as the brand will be successful and bring revenue to the company will be happy to work on it.
Finally, GSC is working 100% 2 STALKER, so that the company does not provide other outputs in 2012 nor the investment of resources in other projects, at least until the release of the game.

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Huge Collection Of Lip Smackers

S.T.A.L.K.E.R. - "La Zona è uno dei posti più confortevoli della Terra". Intervista con Alexander Novikov

Directly from GSC-Fan, and readily translated by the Randy_Stalker TGM Italian Zone stalkers, here's the recent interview with Alexander Novikov , deputy technical director of nuclear safety in Central Chernobyl nuclear .

Today each of us is accustomed to the fact that STALKER is an alternative world of Chernobyl area, where life goes on with other laws of nature and physics. However, eight years ago, the game is well known that we had called in a completely different way and had a completely diverso posto alla base. Chissà, forse non avremmo mai visto il gioco comè ora se gli sviluppatori di GSC Game World non fossero andati a Chernobyl per raccogliere ispirazione e nuove idee per il progetto. Un immenso contributo alla creazione della Zona virtuale , fù dato da un vice direttore tecnico della sicurezza nucleare della centrale nucleare di Chernobyl , che ora è un buon amico dei GSC, Alexander Novikov . Ci ha raccontato la sua cooperazione con gli sviluppatori di S.T.A.L.K.E.R., circa Chernobyl e il suo destino. : Ciao, Alexander! Puoi spiegarci come il tuo lavoro era connesso alla centrale nucleare di Chernobyl? Quali sono le responsabilità di un vice direttore tecnico della sicurezza nucleare?
Alexander Novikov : Non avrei mai pensato che avrei scritto i miei ricordi da qualche altra parte, tranne i questionari. Tuttavia, cominciamo. Ho iniziato la mia attività lavorativa nella Centrale Nucleare di Chernobyl il 22 Giugno del 1986 nella posizione di dosimetrista. Dopo la laurea ho lavorato come fisico-ingegnere, poi capo del laboratorio fisico nucleare, poi capo del dipartimento della sicurezza nucleare, e 5 anni fa ho ottenuto il mio attuale ufficio. Ora, ho scritto queste righe le quali mi rendono pensieroso; quante cose sono successe nel corso degli anni: la liquidazione delle conseguenze del disastro di Chernobyl, il lavoro blocks of power plants, the closure and decommissioning of the station. And two flashes in the memory, the destruction of the blockade of the power plant, the fourth in 1986 and lock the control panel of the third block of the station in 2000 ...
start with the fact that the deputy technical director of security is the official name of my work, and it means that I guarantee the radiation safety of the station. There are many responsibilities: to maintain the current level of safety of nuclear energy, assessing the safety of projects under construction, people who work there, the level of radioactive substances, and control personnel should be strictly limited. But it is not easy, believe me ... : There are many speculations concerning the radiation of the area, people are still afraid of Chernobyl. What is the current status of the zone of exclusion in terms of radiation and environment?
Alexander Novikov : Fears for Chernobyl (now I mean the problem, not the city) are often emotional, the reality is much more serious. Without using specific terms, which can not be understood by non-specialists, I will give you a simple analogy: Take a glass of acetone and pour it on the head, if you close your eyes, the consequences for the organism to be minimal. But if you drink (do not do it, it's just an example!) le conseguenze saranno disastrose. Con le radiazioni la situazione è simile, i valori delle dosi esterne che possono avere effetti deterministici sul corpo umano, superano in modo significativo i limiti delle dosi interne. Con una sola osservazione, si capisce il concetto di "non-soglia", che approssimativamente è ogni dose che con una certa probabilità che causare effetti stocastici (l'ultima riga che ho scritto è abbastanza complicata, forse qualcuno avrà desiderio di capire e incrementare le conoscenze sulle radiazioni).
Per quanto riguarda la Zona. Le leggi del decadimento radioattivo non dipendono dalla situazione politica ed economica mondiale. E se il Cesio-137, la principale particella nucleare in termini di Radiazioni outside, has an average lifespan of 30 years, plutonium-239 which is the most dangerous in terms of internal doses of radiation has an average life of 24,065 years. The conclusion is simple: if the value of external exposure, some areas of the Zone is acceptable to the population, the long-term internal exposure does not make the area popular. Radionuclides entering the body with the respirable dust, food, water, create risks to life in the long term.
So much for the radiation. As ecological conditions, the situation is simple. The population has stopped all economic activity in the area, so any artificial source of harmful emissions has disappeared. In ecological terms, the Zone is one of the most comfortable in the world. But again, this does not take into account the danger of radiation. : The Zone has become a haven for many species of plants and animals, where their population is larger than in any other habitat. But then stubbornly continue the rumors that the increase of radiation at Chernobyl has radical effects on genetic material of living organisms, causing them intense mutation. The situation is this, or is it hype?
Alexander Novikov : The question goes beyond a little bit of my knowledge, I am not a biologist, because of this the answer will be an amateur. In all my years in the area, I've never seen a deer with six legs, wild wildness with two heads, Snork and bloodsuckers. And there are a lot of creatures, wild boar, elk, foxes are very common sight, white-tailed eagles are a pretty sight for their majestic flight, and a flock of cormorants flying low over the water on the dam. The nature of borders that had regained lost under the pressure of human technology. : At what stage is the construction of "Shelter" (new sarcophagus NDT)? What has been done and what remains to be done to complete the construction?
Alexander Novikov : I'll answer giving an overview of the current status of the site. The sarcophagus was built in November 1986. In 2008, work has been done to stabilize it, which made it possible to extend its operation for 15 years, even with an earthquake of magnitude 6. Now, in the area adjacent to the site of the tomb is working to establish a new "container" secure. : The sarcophagus, who else is in the destroyed fourth reactor, is rotting away. What is the status and integrity of the coating?
Alexander Novikov : I have already partially answered in the previous question, but I'll give further explanation. Even during the design and construction of the sarcophagus was not intended to create a sealed structure. But during the life of the sarcophagus there were many problems, such as water seepage from the skylights. To reduce these factors that affect the safety of the rediazioni, were carried out repairs (replacement) for the skylights. : Reports on lowering the level of radiation in the zone, alternate with the statements that the radioactivity in Chernobyl tends to decline gradually to levels of security. In relation to this matter, there's some chance that in the future, the uninhabited area of \u200b\u200bexclusion can be repopulated?
Alexander Novikov : The issue of repopulation of the area, in my opinion, should occur in a completely different way. Else is not only in the area population, and will remain so for so long. Therefore, life in the area can be revived only through the construction of structures, construction of which could not be initiated in other regions of the country. The first step, the creation of a storage of spent nuclear fuel for nuclear power plants ukraine. : The entire cycle of construction of the sarcophagus can be seen in photos and on video. But something from the videos and photos is unknown. For example, a unique case of un'atterraggio a helicopter on the ventilation pipe of the plant (this is described in the documentary Yuri Scherbak "Chernobyl" ). There was something interesting in your work at the plant?
Alexander Novikov : Believe me, most of the stages of construction are missing. Concrete platform with an infinite sequence of mixers, waste resulting from the clearing of rubble, concrete platforms, so many things that do not fall within 'shot. In order to stimulate interest in this passion, try searching the web information on "submersibles of the Chernobyl nuclear power plant" , and then look in the shots of the newsreels.
far as I know, none of the helicopters (to be honest, there are two ventilation pipes in a concrete and the famous red and white metal), landed on the ventilation pipe. 'S virtually impossible. You probably mean the death of team helicopter "MI-8" October 2, 1986. And in a picture, the landing of a helicopter that flew Albert Gore.
Usually, journalists ask questions about curious cases, hoping to hear stories about dramatic mutant or the splendor above the sarcophagus. My strongest impressions were formed by the more prosaic but no less dramatic events and objects. As I said before, the closure of nuclear power plant, Pripyat flushed, graveyard of ships at Chernobyl, in un'asilo Kopac, Krasnoye in the church, the village burned Tolstij les, if it does not matter what I've seen in the area ... : In the book by Arthur Shigapov "Chernobyl, Pripyat, then nowhere" describes many ways to illegally enter the Exclusion Zone. How do you treat these "benefits" ?
Alexander Novikov : (Oh, I also saw my picture there). The relationship with that publication is ambiguous. If you describe these adventures in romantic style, is the ability to create large immature minds the illusion of simplicity in these illegal trips. As Consequently, there's the possibility that the danger to the adventurer to be mortal. To be honest, writing about the dangers of these journeys (radiation exposure, lack of clean water, encounters with wild animals, cold, administrative and criminal liability for that crime, etc. ..) is not only possible but necessary. By the way, a good idea! When I am on leave, I will prepare some "Words of farewell to the novice stalker" , and leave them to him to read. : They are often conducted to the exclusion zone tours, both large groups, individual tourists. And of course everyone wants to achieve the plant. E 'possible?
Alexander Novikov : It 's possible, and paths may be different. Everything depends on the efficiency of the travel agent (or as we call it correctly?). However else the chance. : This year will be 25 years after the tragedy of Chernobyl and Kiev will host a summit on nuclear security problems. What do you think that issues will be resolved before this summit?
Alexander Novikov : I think that to solve the problem within the framework of such an event is impossible, but indicate the range of problems, and decide on priorities is possible. But now I will tell you a funny thing, the main problem of safety in nuclear power plants today is the low level of knowledge of young specialists, graduates with higher education institutions. It is now difficult to find physical, manufacturers, chemists, electricians, only menager are coming. There are many workers, but there are many engineers. : In your opinion, can the city of Chernobyl is interesting in a format as well as game STALKER Pripyat? Whatever its attractions, embodied in the game could attract players?
Alexander Novikov : As I said, of course, the question is interesting. Chernobyl seems less impressive when compared to Pripyat, has great similarities with Limansk. But I think that the GSC can make a really interesting location. I'd like to see in the school play in the street of Kirov, a kindergarten, the central square, the city communications center, stadium, industrial zone, the temple of Saint Elias. All these items have a subtle charm of provincialism, domesticity, and this will be a climate of tragedy and punishment in the frame of the game. : How many people are busy with work hours to the Area? What kind of activities related to their work?
Alexander Novikov : I find it hard to even figure rough, I'll explain why. 10 companies in the area except MES (including nuclear), working sub-contractors, whose employees vary depending on the job. An important role is played by employees in the area of \u200b\u200bNPP ISP. Thanks to them I can say I know that 3,407 people work at the station.
workers cleared the central blocks of the plant, carrying the nuclear fuel in storage, keep the sarcophagus safe, build a new warehouse for the fuel of life of 100 years, and build facilities for radioactive waste.
Employees of businesses in the area continue to monitor radiation, organize the disposal of radioactive waste, perform work by scientist for the Chernobyl nuclear power plant, make meals for workers of the area, etc. ... : The current tour of the area perscosri follow strictly defined, which are pre-planned. It 'possible that new paths are schedule, allowing access to previously forbidden places?
Alexander Novikov : The difficulty of establishing new routes is not connected to the radiation factor, which is still present, neither the influence of technological processes that may influence the "tourists nuelceari. Often the most interesting places of the area can not be reached for trivial factors: roads overrun by vegetation and fallen trees. I think over time, the number of things to visit the area, will decrease. Travel also become common in Pripyat could no longer be available if the houses will deteriorate. What has been done to prevent unauthorized entry into the exclusion zone?
Alexander Novikov : The question, as they say, is not within my competence, but the checkpoint system works properly, the city is protected, the possible points of entry following the paths of the bears, the crazy stalker can not be closed but here (I will not scare anyone) the nature and the best guardian. The wild boars are not so terrible at the Cordon, as it is in the forest at night, when your means of self-defense not a Dragunov sniper rifle and a stick ... : Under what circumstances has been linked to familiarity with GSC Game World? What was the first impression they have made of you?
Alexander Novikov : Nostalgia, though, that year was ... I met Andrei "Rainbow" Tkachenko (chief designer of the project) thanks to my friend, I think, late 2002 early 2003, and he invited me to the office of the GSC. I've met Andrew "Prof" Prokhorov (chief designer) and he showed me STALKER one called "Oblivion Lost". Then I was impressed showing a "ZIL" , and of course, the shape of the area. It was so atmospheric! So our friendship ensued, and subsequently Bolshakov, Yavorsky, and a lot of interesting guys who worked on the project. I have seen the development of "Stalker" , cluttered with work, and once Prokhorov gave me to play the latest build.
E 'release "Shadow of Chernobyl" , then "Clear Sky" and recently "Call of Pripyat" . The team has changed substantially, but still maintain relations with Andrew (I like his plan "2033 meters") , with the new team le relazioni sono buone. : Che materiali e informazioni hai fornito agli sviluppatori cosicchè loro hanno potuto proporre il mondo più realistico per la Zona di S.T.A.L.K.E.R.?
Alexander Novikov : Il termine "realistico" non può essere applicato per un progetto di un gioco, la realisticità uccide il gameplay. Immagina che tu abbia bisogno di andare da Chernobyl alla centrale nucleare (18 km). Sei pronto a schiacciare i tasti "WASD" per tre ore, per raggiungere la località deisderata? Simile certo, ma non realistica.
Per quanto riguarda i materiali. ho aiutato i GSC con le prime uscite sopratutto as an ethicist, a sensitive issue to me, I can not hurt anyone. for "Call Of Pripyat" I gave him my photos of the graveyard of ships of Chernobyl (location Creek), the station Yanov, I accompanied a team of GSC in the city, including the establishment "Jupiter" . The output of COP showed that my pitiful attempts have not been wasted. : How many times have you asked the GSC to visit places in the area, with many dangers? Did you discouraged from visiting these areas?
Alexander Novikov : I do not drive the team to some dangerous area. : Hai giocato a S.T.A.L.K.E.R. e le sue espansioni? Quali giochi della serie, puoi mettere in luce?
Alexander Novikov : Ho giocato differenti S.T.A.L.K.E.R., le straordinarie build, prima del rilascio ufficiale, periodicamente messe per vedere e valutare la reazione della comunità per il progetto. Certo, avevo avuto una forte impressione la prima volta, quando Andrei Prokhorov mi dette da giocare le prima build. Mi ha fatto una grande impressione "Shadow of Chernobyl" quando ho visto la stazione ABA-1 nel gioco, e naturalmente Pripyat in “Call of Pripyat” dall'autenticità degli oggetti e dall'atmosfera della città, in cui ero stato innumerevoli volte.
Personally, "Call of Pripyat" , just this version, for me is the closest to the real atmosphere of the area, the area came with the fans of the game, but the real one, somewhere empty somewhere noisy, but always dangerous and hard, that does not forgive mistakes. Probably because nature takes its revenge on man for his actions. What do you think, the GSC has been able to achieve their mission area in a computer game? There have been times when you did not like STALKER?
Alexander Novikov : As I said, the closest thing to a sense of my perception of the Area is "Call of Pripyat" : a sense of loss and despair and the gradual realization that no person is an owner in the area. The idea that you must pay for your mistakes, always and everywhere. Pripyat, so much work, so much attention to detail and the statue of Prometheus, who was placed in its place in front of the cinema. But once again, the absolute realism would kill the gameplay (I always laugh when the community discusses the realism of the behavior of mutants in the Area).
The thing I absolutely do not like is the helicopter to hospital in "Clear Sky" . The boss at the end of the level for me is a bad thing for the project. The shooting with the gun-gauss to Strelok is made with the same style, and do not like. As you can see, all my calls are for "Clear Sky", which brought more damage, especially to the reputation of GSC, which benefits. But these are my personal opinion. : Sometimes you feel that STALKER is a project that exploits the human tragedy, which served as fertile ground for the game. How would you comment on these statements?
Alexander Novikov : I always said the wrong thing in our world is forgetting. If even one kid in Germany (France, Russia, Ukraine, Belarus) after playing STALKER, want to know what really led to the formation of the exclusion zone, what happened to Pripyat, starts looking for the web material on Chernobyl, to images and memories of participants in the settlement, the human mission of the GSC team is complete. The second aspect: STALKER is a project on a global scale, and I can say without excessive pathos of national pride for the country in which it was created this project. : Like how the developers have implemented carachetr mechanic Novikov in "Clear Sky" using your image?
Alexander Novikov : The first time I appeared in "Shadow Of Chernobyl" , but Dean Sharp (Producer of THQ - STALKER foreign publisher) my character mercilessly cut the edition final. In general, my alter-ego appears in the game after the project "Researchers at the Zone" , many reports were written and made screenshots. Then the mechanical "Clear Sky" and the last "incarnation" , scientists in a bunker (Call Of Pripyat). The developers I have certainly flattered, but honestly, I expected a more brutal character. And in the game are not "neither fish nor fowl" , the only nice thing is that the "nuclear tourists" begun to recognize, many of them take photos with me, we recently took a picture at Chernobyl, I Garik and Cardan. : Imagine (God forbid, of course), the plot of STALKER is repeated in real life, and the Chernobyl area becomes a territory far more dangerous than it was before . Would you be able to adapt to the environment and become a stalker?
Alexander Novikov : Scaring the man who has passed the liquidation of the consequences of the accident is already difficult, and perhaps there are situations (except for the worst) in which it is impossible to adapt. But the regional environment in the context of STALKER would kill me sia in senso letterario che figurativo. Non per niente, il mio character in “Call of Pripyat” è situato in un bunker. : Quanti amministratori ufficiali della centrale nucleare di Chernobyl hanno giocato a S.T.A.L.K.E.R.? Forse dovresti organizzare una battaglia in multiplayer? :) Quante persone di staff, per così dire, hanno migliorato la loro mano e sono i migliori giocatori?
Alexander Novikov : Sono sicuro che uno dei vice direttori generali ha giocato a tutte le release. Anche lui ha il proprio concetto di S.T.A.L.K.E.R., una cosa veramente interessante. Non ho sentito di altri. Conseguentemente le battaglie in multiplayer hanno circumventing the leaders of the nuclear power plant. And taking into account our age: that when you get home you want to relax, be with family, battles the network becomes an impossible task. : Alexander could do some good wishes for our visitors and fans of "Stalker" ?
Alexander Novikov : Visitors to the site (of course the very young) I would wish to stress to learn, believe me, investing in knowledge is how to invest in real estate, it is always profitable. The high-class specialists increasingly look to the future.

In conclusion of our discussion with these optimistic notes, noi esprimiamo la nostra gratitudine a Alexander per la sua interessante chiaccherata! Siamo sicuri che il diligete lavoro degli impiegati e degli amministratori della centrale nucleare di Chernobyl fornirà ai nostri lettori un degno esempio.
Gli autori dell'articolo sono riconoscenti all'Art Director di GSC Game World Ilya Tolmachev per l'assistenza nell'organizzazione dell'intervista e a Tatiana "Tanchik" Vishnyakova per il suo supporto nel lavoro col materiale.


Questo è tutto, ragazzi. Ancora un ringraziamento stalker to Randy for the translation of the interview. Until next time!