Saturday, February 5, 2011

How To Dye Off White To A White

Chernobyl: gli uccelli hanno cervelli più piccoli

A study of animals living around the site of the nuclear power plant exploded 25 years have shown this malformation, probably due to the presence of radiation. It is also reduced cognitive ability.

birds living around the site of the Chernobyl nuclear power plant have a brain smaller than 5%, a direct effect linked to the persistent presence of radiation after the explosion of reactor number four in April 1986 So 25 years ago. The discovery comes from a study of 550 birds belonging to 48 different species that live in the region, published in the journal PLoS One. Brain size is significantly smaller in yearlings than in older birds.
The small size are thought to be associated with reduced cognitive ability. The discovery was made by a team of researchers from Norway, France and the United States led by Professor Timothy Mousseau of the University of South Carolina, United States, and Dr. Anders Moller of the University of Paris-Sud, France. After the crash of 1986, traces of radioactive deposits were found in almost all countries of the northern hemisphere. Since then one of a total exclusion was set up around the accident site. However, scientists have been allowed inside to measure the impact that radiation has had on the ecology of the region. Last year they published the results of the census of wildlife the largest of its kind conducted in Chernobyl, which had revealed that the mammals are declining in the exclusion zone surrounding the nuclear plant.
In their latest study, the scientists used nets to collect the birds from eight forest sites around Chernobyl, which saw a decline in the number of animals great and small invertebrates that live inside. After reviewing the differences between species, They found that birds had smaller brains than 5% on average compared to birds not directly exposed to radiation. The effect was more pronounced in young birds, particularly those under one year of age. This suggests that the embryos of birds, many do not survive at all, because of the negative effects of their brain in the developing world. The birds are under stress can change the size of some of their organs in order to react to environmental conditions. For example, migratory birds that have traveled long distances often restrict certain organs to save energy. But the brain is the last organ to be sacrificed in this way, researchers say.
This suggests that radiation may have an even more pronounced effect on other organs in the birds. It is not clear exactly what mechanism is reducing the brains of birds. The high levels of radiation causes oxidative stress in animals, which have had to use antioxidants in their body to fight harmful glieffetti. This leaves the animals exposed to radiation severely depleted in antioxidants and the small size of the brain may be a result of this impoverishment.
Alternatively, radiation may cause errors in development in the way the brain grows.
Another possibility is that the birds are less invertebrates from the mangiare.Ma Scientists do not know any example of the brain of a wild animal that is contracted due to lack of food.

Source: AQVA , February 5, 2011.


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