Wednesday, February 2, 2011

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Il co-op in S.T.A.L.K.E.R. 2: ce lo scordiamo?

"All Those Who Want Stalkers co-op in Stalker 2 ... Let me put this idea in your head. When you are in the Zone you are Supposed to be alone, no one to turn to But now Rely on yourself. Surely co-op Goes Against The basic fundimentals of the Stalker series. After all ... is "LONERA" ker. Running around the Zone with a friend do nothing with More Than break immersion?! Thoughts?

"For all the stalkers who want to co-op in STALKER 2 ... allow me to instill this idea in my head. When you are in the area is supposed to be alone with no one to accompany or to relate to except yourself. Certainly the co-op goes against the basic foundations of the STALKER series and, after all, talking about STALoners (Lone) KER when referring to the title. Getting around the area with a friend would only break the immersion. "
These considerations have been raised a few hours ago by the editor of the official page on Facebook dedicated to STALKER as a result of popular demand by the community, to include a co-op in STALKER 2.
The matter had been hit several times in the past, the last in January in an interview given to Oleg Yavorsky , director of public relations for the GSC. Speaking of STALKER 2, GSC had never unbuttoned too much, merely evasive answers like "We're thinking but it is still early to talk about" . On the other hand the same Oleg had previously admitted candidly and as the co-op represent STALKER da sempre un suo sogno nel cassetto.
Come dobbiamo prendere le riflessioni presentate su Facebook, a questo punto?
Certo, così come Oleg ha espresso il proprio personale punto di vista "pro co-op" , anche il responsabile di Faccialibro potrebbe aver semplicemente espresso le proprie perplessità in merito. Tuttavia, fra le righe, io leggo un "Ragazzi, piantatela di fracassare i maroni con questa faccenda del co-op, tanto non lo implementeremo neppure in S.T.A.L.K.E.R. 2" .
In effetti, gran parte dell'atmosfera offerta da S.T.A.L.K.E.R., e da Shadow of Chernobyl in particolare, è dovuta al perenne senso di solitudine nel quale ci si muove, senza poter fare troppo affidamento su nessuno, all'interno dell'ambiente ostile rappresentato dalla Zona. Tuttavia, sempre in tema di concretezza, mi vengono in mente due considerazioni.
Primo, nella trilogia di S.T.A.L.K.E.R. è molto più facile incontrare gruppetti di stalker piuttosto che stalker "da soli" , ovviamente senza arrivare agli eccessi di Clear Sky . In un luogo letale e desolato come la Zona è ragionevole cercare di aiutarsi a vicenda per sopravvivere (salvo poi ritrovarsi un pugnale a tradimento fra le scapole, ma questo è un altro discorso...) ed è verosimile che i singoli membri del gruppo cerchino di darsi man forte reciprocamente (le situazioni in cui uno stalker morente viene curato da un proprio compagno sono quasi moving ...).
Second, the co-op had been planned from the beginning of the development in STALKER, and even in 2002 was considered by GSC as a permanent feature now, " ... we have a cooperative mode and you can progress through the game Stalker with friends. " The co-op, then, by itself would not seem so distort the roots of what STALKER fortify them and, indeed, return to their true origins of concepts.
The fact remains that the implementation of the co-op storylines in the management system, the A-Life and the relationships between the various playable characters was so difficult and unstable to lead the performance of GSC. Of course, with a new system similar - but different - The A-Life may be more opportunities to integrate the co-op, possibly opting for a game mode that is independent of the storyline itself. However, we stand in the field of mere hypothesis and, for me, I'm afraid (but I can be happy too) are the other characteristics on which STALKER 2 will aim to prove a worthy successor to the first trilogy.


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